Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2782: Refining the soul!

Xiao Chen looked around for a while, and hurriedly checked his own situation, and then he was relieved. There was no scar on his body, and his spirit power was almost restored.

However, he found that Di Sha was still asleep.

"System, are there any pills or treasures of heaven and earth to replenish soul power?" Xiao Chen asked. After all, the evil spirits helped him a lot, and he couldn't keep watching the evil spirits fall asleep.

"Yes, but the system recommends that the host practice the'soul refining tactic', which can not only quickly replenish the soul power, but also increase the strength of the soul power."

"There is such a good thing, why didn't you say it earlier." Xiao Chen was startled, and then complained. Generally speaking, soul power can only be improved through some heaven, material and earth treasures. After soul power is consumed, you can only wait slowly. Recovery, there are few exercises that can directly increase soul power, and the system has such exercises, but it is not used, it is simply a violent thing.

"You didn't ask, blame me?"

"Blame me, blame me."

"It's pretty much the same."

Xiao Chen said a few jokes with the system, and he purchased the Soul Refining Technique in the Kengyuan Value Mall and completed his training. Soon, wisps of soul power entered the Lingtian day and was absorbed by Earth Sha.

After half an hour, Di Sha woke up, feeling his enhanced soul power, his eyes were full of consternation, and then he discovered that the soul power he had absorbed came from Xiao Chen, and his face was shocked.

"What a pure soul power, Xiao Chen, could it be that you have cultivated the soul training art?"

"Huh? You actually know the Soul Refining Technique?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

"Of course the old man knows that such pure spirit power can be absorbed by others. Only the soul cultivation technique of the soul race can be formed. Xiao Chen, in the future, never practice soul technique in front of others, except for the soul race. It is very difficult for other people to successfully cultivate the Soul Cultivation Technique. If you let others know, you will only end up in two ways. Either you will become a slave to other strong people to provide soul power, or you will be killed by the strong soul clan!"

Di Sha said very seriously.

"I understand." Xiao Chen said, and then directly cut off the spirit power transmission.

"I'll go, even though I said that, you are giving the old man some spirit power." Ground Sha yelled.

"When you wake up, you can slowly recover by yourself. When my strength becomes stronger, I will help you." Xiao Chen said.

"You kid, can't you still trust the old man?" Di Sha yelled.

"It's not that I can't believe it, I'm just careful to sail the Wannian Ship." Xiao Chen said indifferently, and then ignored Di Sha, instead focusing on the new Demon skills he had obtained.

"Devil's gift!"

Xiao Chen checked the introduction of the demon god's gift, and after a while, a surprised and happy expression appeared on his face.

Surprisingly, the Demon God's Gift is a means to enhance the subordinates of the Demon Race, which can instill the magic power in the Demon Race Mark to other Demon Races and directly improve their cultivation.

The good news is that he can have a group of powerful demons. In addition, if the eight great demons improve their cultivation, and if he uses the demons to return, his strength will be correspondingly stronger.

Just when Xiao Chen was surprised and happy, suddenly the door was opened, and a slender girl with a face and a green dress came in. When she saw Xiao Chen sitting on the edge of the bed, her face was surprised. The color.

"Master, are you awake?"

"Master?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, looked at the girl and said, "Are you?"

"Enlighten the master, my surname is Pei, to serve the master." The girl respectfully said.

"Surname Pei?" Xiao Chen was taken aback again, and at this moment, another figure walked in. After seeing Xiao Chen, his face was also surprised.

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