Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2771: intense situation!

"Patriarch, do you want to make a move?" The Linghu family and the Mu family powerhouse looked at Linghufang and asked.

"Of course you have to do it!" Linghu Fangning said coldly, and then took the Mu Family and the Linghu Family powerhouses directly in front of Xiao Chen.

"As long as someone wins those two juniors for me, my Xue family will owe him a favor." Seeing the strong man in Linghu's family make a move, Xue Lin shouted again.

"What!" Hearing this, many strong people present were startled, and then they were already a little moved.

"Broken, the strongest of the Xue family is not the black widow, but the black widow’s man, the Thousand Faced Venomous Spider. The Xue family’s favor is equivalent to the Thousand Faced Venomous Spider’s favor. I am afraid that many people will be willing to offend. The Chen family, also help."

Chen Kexing's expression changed when he heard Xue Lin's words.

"My Tianyu Saint Kingdom is willing to help seniors and take down these two people." Hao Zhize was the first to speak out. He had already had an enemy with Xiao Chen. At this time, adding the favor of the black widow, how can he not make any sense.

Of course, there is also an adventure to beat them.

"It's just that you want to take the initiative to take the initiative to the palace, and you can't do it yourself." West Lotus, West Rose, West Mudan with the power of the Five Poisons, fell down, staring coldly at Li Qisheng and others.

"It's you again!" Li Qisheng looked at Xi Hehua and the others with a gloomy expression.

"You want the Xue family to owe you a favor, and you have to see if you have that ability." Linghufang said solemnly, the breath of the sixth-turned ancestor saint rushing out, staring coldly at those who are a little eager to move. The strong.

"The ten saints deceive people too much. They clearly stipulate that they are not allowed to do anything at the expedition tomb, but their own people do not punish them after doing them. What is this? Is it bullying us who are no power in the holy country?"

There are not many holy powers that have hatred with the ten saints, and the strong immediately said coldly, and then stood on the side of the Xue family.

"Yes, your top ten saints don't deceive people too much, hand them over, otherwise don't blame us for being impolite." Another strong person said that they were not only for the favor of the Xue family, but also to suppress the ten saints. Family.

There were constant voices from the strong, and one after another stood on the side of the strong Xue family.

"Mother, why bother with so many forces for the two of them, this is not a good choice for Mu and Linghu?" Mu Longtian came to Linghu Fangning and said solemnly.

"Although I don’t know what happened between you and Xiao Chen, it’s not just about the two of them, but about the faces of our top ten saints. If we hand them over, our top ten The majesty of the saints will be greatly reduced."

Linghu Fangning glanced at Mu Longtian and said solemnly.

"I want to see how you are not polite, if you want to fight, then fight!" A cold shout sounded, and the strong Xia family fell under the leadership of an old man.

Not only the Xia Family powerhouse, but the other powerhouses of the Ten Great Sage Races, have also come over. As Linghu Fangning said, it is now about the face of their Ten Great Sage Races, and they are absolutely impossible to retreat.

Xue Lin and Chen Kexing continued to collide, and the Xue family brought a lot of powerful people and the top ten saints to form a confrontation situation. The atmosphere was extremely tense. If there is a war, there will be more than fifty ancestors. The situation in which the strong Saints directly participated in the war.

"There is a breath of silver fox killer."

Xiao Chen felt the tense atmosphere, and his expression was a little heavy, but at this moment, Di Sha's voice suddenly came from his mind.

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