Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2765: What did the last sentence say!

"No, it was the last sentence." Chen Kexing interrupted Hao Zhize.

"Last sentence?" Hao Zhize was taken aback, and then said: "I said that the predecessor is upright, he is a model of the holy world..."

"Yes, that's the sentence." Chen Ke was overjoyed and said hurriedly.

"Is there any problem with this sentence?" Hao Zhize said in a daze.

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem, it is still a big problem. Who told you that the old man is upright? Who told you that the old man is a role model in the holy world? Who in the holy world does not know that the old man protects his shortcomings the most? The death of an ancient sage pinnacle means that they are too weak, and it is embarrassing to go to the battlefield of the Three Realms, it is better to die here simply, one hundred."

Chen Kexing, who was still smug in the last second, was already cold in the next second, and what he said made Hao Zhize, Qisheng and others sluggish on the spot.

"What does senior mean?" Hao Zhize asked in a daze.

"He is my top ten disciple of the saints, it's that simple for the old man to protect him." Chen Kexing said coldly.

"Senior, you would deceive people too much if you do this!" Hao Zhize said solemnly.

"Why, are you still not convinced? The old man knows that there are dozens of ancestral peak powers in your Heavenly Sacred State, and there are no small forces in the Three Realms battlefield, but even if they dare not say a word in front of the old man." Chen Kexing said coldly. .

Just as Hao Zhize wanted to say something, Li Qisheng on the side hurriedly grabbed him, and then shook his head. Chen Kexing has been in the Three Realms battlefield for many years. Almost everyone knows how strange his temper is. If he wants to keep one person, even if all the forces present oppose him. It has no effect.

Hao Zhize glanced at Chen Kexing unwillingly, and then he arched his hands and said, "The junior retire!"

Then Li Qisheng and others also retired.

"Hmph, just because you want to move my master, I think you are impatient for living." Chen Kexing looked at Hao Zhize's back and snorted coldly in his heart.

"Brother Hao, don't worry, when we arrive at the battlefield of the Three Realms, we have more opportunities. Are we afraid that we can't kill an ancient sage peak kid?" Li Qisheng said through the voice, eyes full of coldness.

"Brother Qisheng, I know the grievances between that kid and you, maybe we can achieve cooperation." Hao Zhize looked at Qisheng, the same transmission said.

Li Qisheng nodded, and then left with Hao Zhize.

"Senior Chen Kexing is actually helping you?" Tian Jizi glanced at Xiao Chen with some surprise. Although Chen Kexing was protecting his shortcomings, he couldn't protect everyone. Obviously, there is a certain relationship between Xiao Chen and Chen Kexing.

"You know too much." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Tianjizi smiled, and suddenly she saw the closed moon Xiuhua and others who were walking towards this side in her eyes. There was a look of surprise in her eyes, "They actually came here."

And their sudden actions have also attracted the attention of many people. After all, the gathering of the top ten beautiful women will cause a sensation no matter what they do.

Xiao Chen also looked over, and then closed Yue Xiuhua and the ten of them came straight to Xiao Chen, Xia Yun walked out and said, "Little handsome guy, are you interested in going to a place where no one is with us?"


Hearing Xia Yun's words, everyone's eyes instantly fell on Xiao Chen, and Tian Jizi also looked at Xiao Chen, "They actually came to invite Xiao Chen?"

"Who is that kid who can get their active invitation?"

"Killing God Xiao Chen, who is this kid?"

"Okay, I'm happy to accompany you." Xiao Chen laughed, then got up, and the ten disciples, in the various complicated gazes of everyone, walked into the distance, and then disappeared from their sight.

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