Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2762: Tianjiao melee!

In the next moment, two extinct thunder flames had already met in mid-air, and fierce collisions continued to be heard.

"Xiao Chen, who do you think will win?" Tian Jizi asked suddenly.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course the beautiful women will win." Xiao Chen glanced at Tianjizi with contempt.

"That may be true. I admit that they are indeed very strong, but Mu Longtian and Xia Kuang have accumulated a lot of popularity over the years, and they are friends with many Tianjiao. If they are together, the outcome is difficult to say. Up."

Tianjizi said lightly.

"Are you talking about playing more with less?"

"It seems that there is no rule that you can't beat less by more?"

"It doesn't matter if you fight more with less, but it's just a few more rookies. For them, it's just to dispose of some rubbish." Xiao Chen disdainfully said.

There was no sound transmission between the two of them, so many people heard it, and Xiao Chen's words instantly caused many people to look coldly.

"Brother Xia Kuang, let me help you."

However, because of Tianjizi's reminder, many Tianjiao's hearts moved, and then Tianjiao jumped out and confronted Xia Yun with Xia Kuang.


Xia Yun snorted coldly when she saw this, and a water world had formed around her. With a wave of her hand, there were already countless water arrows shooting at the two of them.

Xia Kuang's face sank and he hurriedly formed a water curtain and began to defend. With the addition of this Tianjiao, many Tianjiao joined the battle, and Luo Yan and Mu Qingcheng also joined the battle.

Suddenly, a melee between Tianjiao began.

Mu Longtian and Xia Kuang have gathered nearly ten Tianjiao here, but Xia Yun and the four are not below a point. The thunder roars, the holy light flickers, the branches are rampant, and the dripping stones pass through. It is so pleasing to see. Many powerhouses have chosen to sit down and watch, because this is also a great opportunity to see the strength of the various forces Tianjiao.

"Tianjiao melee, such an exciting scene, how can I miss He Feilong from the Heavenly Kingdom Saint Kingdom?" A loud laugh sounded, and a young man exuding the seven-fold aura of an ancient sage appeared nearby, glanced at the battlefield, and then directly Rushing towards Xia Yun, Xia Yun is the strongest in his perception.

"So many people, it's shameless to bully four women!" Just when He Feilong was about to do something, a dirt wall blocked He Feilong's body, and then a woman wearing yellow clothes appeared on the dirt wall. He Feilong's eyes were a little cold.

"He Feilong, the first arrogant of Tianyu Saint Kingdom, Shangguan Zhirou, a newly promoted arrogant of the Shangguan family, wow, this battle is lively!"

"Shangguan Zhirou, it's been a long time since I fought with you. Why don't we take this opportunity and we are in the previous battle. If you lose, we will give up the position of the young master of the Shangguan family."

Another male voice rang, and then a male and a female fell.

"This is the young master of Shangguan's family, right, and his sister. Before Shangguan Zhirou appeared, their siblings were the strongest arrogances of Shangguan family!"

Everyone was excited.

"Hmph, fight, fight, you two brothers and sisters, let's go together!" Shangguan Zhirou looked at He Feilong and the pair of brothers and sisters, and snorted coldly. The next moment, the eight-fold breath of the ancestor sage has surging out, let Many strong people feel amazed.


Feeling the aura of Shangguan Zhirou, He Feilong and the siblings showed solemn expressions on their faces. Then they looked at each other, and the three of them had already attacked Shangguan Zhirou.

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