Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2751: Go to the mausoleum!

And if there is no Xiao Chen, perhaps Chen Kexing is dead now, he has become the husband of Luoyan, and if he can't make the future, he will become the Patriarch of the Chen Family, the first Patriarch of the Three Saint Clan in history, but he is now His dream was broken, thinking of this, he hated Xiao Chen to the extreme.

"Although I don't know how he saved the senior, but he is only the pinnacle of the ancient sage. He has been on the battlefield of the Three Realms. He has a low cultivation base, and why is he a hundred times stronger than me!" Said unconvinced.

"Yes, why is he?"

Not only Mu Longtian, but all the Tianjiao present were not convinced, but this is also normal. Many of them are ancestral sages, and Xiao Chen is just an ancient sage. The gap is clear at a glance. They are so touted by Chen Kexing, they naturally refuse to accept it. .

"Presumptuous, I said one hundred times stronger is one hundred times stronger." Chen Kexing shouted with a beard and staring.

"I said the old man, you have lived a lot of age, and you are arguing with some juniors. Whose reputation depends on speaking out?" Xiao Chen looked at Chen Kexing and said silently.

"You are right, I was too caressed, your temperament is really not comparable to ordinary people." Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Chen Kexing's anger disappeared in an instant, and he said flatteringly.

At this time, the Chen family master and the Chen family powerhouse were both embarrassed. If in the past, who dared to speak when Chen Kexing was angry, he would definitely be asking for his own death, because Chen Kexing was the last time he was angry, or simply beat up. One meal, but what is the situation now? The furious Chen Kexing was reprimanded by Xiao Chen! This simply blinds their dogs.


Linghuling and Linghufang stared at each other and looked at each other. They were not stupid. Naturally, they could see that Chen Kexing was a little pleased with Xiao Chen. Is it really just because Xiao Chen saved him?

And when Mu Longtian heard Xiao Chen calling them juniors, his heart was even more frustrated.

"Congratulations to the predecessor for recovering as before." Linghu Fangning stepped forward and interrupted the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Thank you. If I didn't want to come to Linghu's house to try this time, I might be overwhelmed. Since my broken body has recovered to its original form, it is time to go to the Three Realms battlefield. It just so happens that this time it is not all forces, but also must be summoned. A group of people will go to the battlefield of the Three Realms, so let me take them to the battlefield of the Three Realms."

Chen Kexingdao.

"It's more suitable to have a senior leader. Then we will meet in the mausoleum in a month." Linghu Fangning arched his hands.

"Okay, I'll see you in the mausoleum." Chen Kexing arched his hands.

"Luo Yan, are you going with me or stay here?" Chen Kexing asked when looking at Luo Yan.

"I'll stay here." Luo Yan said.

"Okay, then we'll leave first." Chen Kexing nodded, and then left directly with the strong Chen family.

"Where is the Tomb of Expedition?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"The Expedition Tomb is a must pass to the Three Realms Battlefield. People from various forces who go to the Three Realms Battlefield will gather there, so it is called the Expedition Tomb." Luo Yan explained.

"It turns out that this is the case. The three of you will come with me." Xiao Chen said, and then got up, before Linghu Fangning asked, said goodbye, he left, returned to his room, and took the three of them directly in the Star Territory. Retreat.

After half a month, Xiao Chen found Linghu Fangning, ignoring Linghu Fangning's persuasion, took three apprentices, and headed to the tomb.

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