Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2749: Worldly master!

"Di Sha, what kind of cultivation is this old man?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Holy Duo." Earth Sha's voice was still a little shocked.

"Can you tell how many revolutions he has gone through when he was at the peak of Ancestral Saint?"

"Ranked six, with his current cultivation base, he is completely not afraid of encountering an ordinary five-dimensional sacred four-fold powerhouse." Di Sha said, but has returned to normal, and there is still some disdain in his voice.

"A sacred double powerhouse who has gone through six ranks?" Xiao Chen muttered.

"I really made a breakthrough. Chen Kexing still has a breakthrough day." Chen Kexing murmured, with disbelief, excitement, and excitement in his eyes, like a child getting a candy bar.

"Master is really amazing." Mu Qingcheng couldn't help but said as he looked at Chen Kexing who was excited.

Chen Kexing heard Mu Qingcheng's words, his eyes flashed, and then he knelt in front of Xiao Chen with a plop, knocked his head on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Please accept me as an apprentice, Master, if the Master does not accept me as an apprentice , I can't kneel forever."

Chen Kexing's sudden movements made Xiao Chen and the three apprentices startled, and then looked at Chen Kexing who was kneeling on the ground, and somehow could not react.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Chen asked dumbfoundedly. He helped Chen Kexing because of Luoyan's face, and he wanted Chen Kexing to owe him a favor, the favor of a sacred and powerful man. Naturally, there is no need to say more about it, but he It was completely unexpected that Chen Kexing would come to this trick.

"Master is a senior man, and has such unpredictable supernatural powers. It is my honor to be able to approve the teacher as a teacher. I also ask Master to fulfill it."

Chen Kexing said in a deep voice, that he could eliminate the dark diseases in his body and help him break through his cultivation base. He had never seen a second person able to do it, even the old monsters in the Three Realms battlefield could not do it.

"I have to tell you that I already have ten direct disciples, so I am not accepting direct disciples. If you want to worship me as a teacher, you can only be a named disciple. You have to think clearly." Xiao Chen said in a deep voice.

"A named disciple is also successful." Chen Kexing doesn't care, as long as he can establish a relationship with the senior expert in front of him, even a named disciple will be successful.

"Okay, then I will accept you as a disciple, but when there are outsiders, don't call me a master, I don't want to be regarded as a monster by others." Xiao Chen said.

"Thank you, Master." Chen Kexing said, with undisguised joy on his face.

At this time, outside the door, both the strong Chen family and the strong Linghu family were waiting anxiously.

"I don't know what's going on inside." Patriarch Chen said anxiously.

"I really don't know what the ancestor left behind that kid and want to say."

"Mother, although Xiao Chen is the uncle's son, he is too messy. He actually said in front of the seniors of the Chen family that he can cure the ancestor Ke Xing. Isn't this trying to discredit the two families." Mu Longtian couldn't help saying.

"Long Tian is right. Although he doesn't know how he lived before, since he has returned to Linghu's house, he must be taught the rules. After all, he is not only the young master of the Linghu family, but also the son of both male and female evil spirits. If it is too unbearable, it will lose the face of the two families, and it will also damage the prestige of both male and female." Linghu Ling said.

"I see." Linghufang said solemnly, she also felt that Xiao Chen was too messy.

At this moment, Chen Kexing's laughter came from the room. The voice was strong and strong, and it was completely different from the way he was dying before.

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