Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2740: Go to Linghu's house!

"Since your uprising failed at that time, how did I fall outside? Why didn't they come to me either." Xiao Chen asked.

"Actually, what took you away was the close-knit maid beside your mother. Over the years, we have never given up looking for you, but I never thought that maid took you to the lower level star field. Although the imprint of life can sense each other, after all, It's too far, so I haven't found you in these years."

Linghu Fangning explained.

"Is that so?" Xiao Chen said lightly, without sorrow or joy.

"I know you have suffered a lot of grievances, and you have suffered a lot, but starting today, you are the heads of the two families, and you will definitely not be aggrieved at all." Linghufang condensed.

"I am not interested in the position of Patriarch. As for what happened back then, I don't want to check it carefully. I will go to Linghu's house with you this time, just want to use Linghu's house to go to the battlefield of the Three Realms."

Xiao Chen said.

"Go to the Battlefield of the Three Realms? Do you know where the Battlefield of the Three Realms is?" Linghu Fangning was startled.


"You don’t even know that in addition to the Holy Realm, there is a buffer zone between the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm, the Holy Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Demon Realm. It is called the Battlefield of the Three Realms. The Demon Realm and the Demon Realm want to invade the Holy Realm all the time, so the Three Realm Battlefield There are frequent large-scale fights, and the ancestors and below are just cannon fodder in the Three Realms battlefield. Generally, only when you break through the ancestral sage seven will you be forced to go to the Three Realms battlefield, and as you, you don’t have to go to the Three Realms battlefield."

Linghu said fragrantly.

"Although my cultivation base is only the pinnacle of the ancient sage, with my means, even if I meet an ancestral sage, I can escape, and places like the Three Realms Battlefield are more suitable for me." Xiao Chen said, the reason why he went to the battlefield, Of course, he went with demon power and magic power.

"Leaving two of the top ten saints in the position of Patriarch, you are going to the battlefield of the Three Realms. Like your parents, I'm afraid you don't have the position of Patriarch in your eyes." Linghu Fangning said helplessly.

"You can put it this way, let's not talk about the Patriarch, can you tell me about the division of the realm above the ancestral sage peak?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Above the ancestral sage peak is the first-turned ancestral sage, the second-turned ancestral sage, the third-turned ancestral sage, the fourth-turned ancestral sage, and the fifth-turned ancestral sage. On top is the next realm, the sacred realm."

"Holy realm?" Xiao Chen muttered.

"I don't know much about the sacred realm."

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be Rank Six Ancestor. What is going on?" Xiao Chen asked.

"You can actually see through my cultivation?" Linghu Fang said in shock.

Xiao Chen nodded.

"There are so many secrets in your body. Actually, you not only have Rank 6 Ancestor Sage, but also Rank 7, Rank 8, and Rank 9. As long as you reach Rank 5, you can break through the sacred realm. However, every additional turn, After breaking through the sacred realm, the strength will be stronger, but after the fifth revolution, every breakthrough is very difficult. I also broke through the sixth revolution because of your mother and the ancestors of the Linghu family."

Linghu Fangning explained.

"So it's like laying a foundation? The thicker the foundation, the stronger the house will be." Xiao Chen said in his heart. Then, Xiao Chen asked about the battlefield of the Three Realms and the realm of cultivation. Hu Fangning also knew everything.

Under Linghu Fangning’s leadership, it took less than two days to arrive at the Linghu family. The Linghu family lived in a secluded mountain range with the origin of the holy source. The buildings were continuous, like a huge city. general.

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