Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2737: How much can be killed!

Xia Rui, Mo Beishan and others all stared at the six ancestral peak powerhouses behind Xiao Chen, and couldn't say a word.

Tianjizi's expression was a little serious, and the faces of the four people in Liqisheng were even more ugly. The Five Poison Cult was originally very difficult, and the strongest of the Five Poison Cult had reached the third-turned ancestor saint, and the third-turned ancestor saint had fallen behind.

What makes them wonder is that the Five Poison Cult has always been on the border, how can it appear in the Xihai Plain, and this kid is actually the leader of the Five Poison Cult.

Tianjizi looked at the Dabai on Xiao Chen's shoulder, thinking of something, a trace of sorrow appeared in his eyes.

"Five Poisons, do you know what you are doing. This kid is a member of the Demon Race. If you dare to associate with the Demon Race, you will be the enemy of the Holy Realm Alliance. I must report to the Holy Realm Alliance. Teach, and get rid of it with you."

Chu Zhong suddenly jumped out, pointed at Xiao Chen and others and said sharply.

"Sacred Realm Alliance?"

Hearing that, the Five Poison Cult strongmen frowned slightly. They knew the strength of the Saint Realm Alliance very well, but they didn't even own their lives now, so how could they care about the Saint Realm Alliance.

"The Saint Realm Alliance is really tricky." Xiao Chen also frowned slightly.

"Hmph, you are in the same foul play with the people of the Demon Race. It is a heinous crime. If I were you, I would definitely take this Demon Race kid down. Not only would I get rid of the accusation of colluding with the Demon Race, but I would also get rewards from the Holy Realm Alliance. , This is a good thing that will get you both."

Chu Zhong looked at the Five Poison Sect and Xihai Tomb Strong.

"Dear friends, this little friend is right. Both the Xihai Tomb or the Five Poison Sects are powers that have passed on for thousands of years in the Holy Realm. Although I don’t know why you would recognize a demon kid as the master, this is not a return. Lu, do you really want to build the tomb of Xihai and the foundation of the Five Poison Education for a thousand years for a demon kid?"

Li Qisheng also spoke.

"What a shameless old thing, just now when you had the advantage, why didn't you say that, you wanted to fight and kill our Xihai Tomb, and now your situation is unfavorable, but you persuade us to betray the palace lord, you are simply shameless."

As soon as the words of Li Qisheng came to an end, Xi Rose had already cursed coldly.

"Don't know good or bad, associating with the Demon Race means being an enemy of the entire Holy Realm. Don't you think that the six of you can be the opponents of the entire Holy Realm." Li Qisheng's face was blue and white.

"The Saint Realm Alliance is very tricky, but this matter is not known to the Saint Realm Alliance. Thanks to you for reminding me, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of killing people." Xiao Chen said lightly at this moment.

"What do you mean?" Chu Zhong was taken aback, and then asked gloomily.

"Of course it is to keep all of you here, cut the weeds and roots, kill the people!" Xiao Chen said coldly, and the cold killing intent came out.

"You want to kill people, do you finish killing?" Li Qisheng sneered, not to mention others, even if there are six ancestral peaks behind Xiao Chen, it is impossible to keep four of them.

"How much can you kill!" Xiao Chen said coldly, and as his voice fell, Xihai Tomb and all the powerful people of the Five Poisons also cooperated to exude a terrorist killing intent.

Hearing that, everyone's complexion sank. If that is the case, I am afraid that except for the four of them, it will be difficult for others to escape.

The scene suddenly became tense.

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