Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2730: Gourmet feast!

On the plain outside the tomb of Xihai.

"The power of this ancestral weapon is stronger than imagined." The Lord of the Saint Dynasty looked at the long sword in Xiao Chen's hand, his eyes were a little dignified. He didn't believe that Xiao Chen had such a powerful strength. He took everything All the credit is attributed to the ancestor, of course not only him, almost everyone thinks so.

"Everyone, this kid's ancestral weapon is so powerful that it can't be taken by a single person. Let's take action together. Kill this kid first."

The Lord of Shengde Holy Dynasty said solemnly.



Twenty-one ancestors of the six-tier powerhouse took a step together. Although they agreed to take a shot together, only they knew how much they could really exert.

"There are a lot of ants, but after all, they are ants. What if we go together? The **** of death will send you to see Wang Ye together!" Xiao Chen's long sword held a sword flower in his hand, and looked at the ancestral six-tier powerhouse around indifferently. , Without fear.

"It's crazy enough, I want to see how long your kid can hold on!" A strong man snorted coldly, his powerful aura gushing out, his hands raised high, and a fireball slowly formed between his hands, emitting it. Out of terrifying temperature.

Others have also shot, there are sword lights, sword lights, ice, flames, mountain shadows, and beasts roaring, but without exception, they all choose to attack from a distance. No one wants to face and ancestral weapons. Head-on.

"So many Ancestor Saint Sixth Layer Powerhouses shot at the same time, the scene is shocking, it is rare in the world, this time it is really not in vain."

"Although you can kill the ancestral sage five, the ancestral sage four-fold powerhouse, but you are only relying on the benefits of the ancestors, call me the ants, you are the ants, because you are about to die." Mo Beishan's eyes An expressive expression broke out. From his point of view, Xiao Chen was dead when so many Ancestor Saint Sixth Layer Powerhouses attacked at the same time.

"Xiao Wang Ba Lao Zi, are you really not running? With the help of the universe, you can't handle these attacks."

"Qiankun can't take advantage of it, but'gluttonous feast' can be done." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"The gluttonous feast is indeed powerful, very powerful, and powerful, but it also depends on who will perform it. If the old man does it, he can swallow all the humans present in one bite, but with your current cultivation base, you just take these If the attack is swallowed, you will be blown up!"

Di Sha sneered.

"That may be true!"

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and at this moment, all the attacks had already hit Xiao Chen overwhelmingly. At this moment, a fierce beast roar came from Xiao Chen's throat, and then a huge beast head with an ugly face appeared. On top of Xiao Chen's head.


The head of the fierce beast opened its big mouth and roared, and the entire West Sea Plain was shaking. Countless creatures shivered from the roar, and the strong nearby saw the appearance of the fierce beast, and there was a fear in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the fierce beast sucked abruptly, forming a whirlpool at the huge mouth. The attacks of those ancestral sage six-fold powerhouses were drawn by this suction, accompanied by the source of the holy, into the whirlpool, and then sucked into the fierce beast In the mouth.

The whole process was very spectacular. Everyone was stunned to watch the powerful attacks being sucked into the fierce beast, and then the fierce beast hidden into Xiao Chen's body and disappeared.

Xiao Chen hiccuped, and then looked at the series of numbers behind the sacred power value with some surprises, a little unbelievable.

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