Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2726: A bunch of poor bugs!

"What, stepping into the territory of my Xihai Tomb and hurting my disciples in the Xihai Tomb, the sin is unforgivable, come here, and kill them all with me."

The West Rose said coldly, with crazy killing intent already emerging from her body, and the outside affairs have always been taken care of by the West Rose, so the owner of the Xihai Tomb that the outside world knows is also the West Rose.


Xiao Chen shouted, then looked at the disciple and asked.

"Do you know why they came to Xihai Tomb?"

"Enlighten the palace master, they said they were looking for a man called Xiao Chen, the **** of killing, to let us hand it over, but we only have women in the tomb of Xihai, and no men, how could we hand it over!"

"So, we told them to leave, they didn't listen, and they had to search the tomb of Xihai, and then there was a conflict."

The disciple said angrily.

"Although I am very embarrassed, are you sure that there is no man in the tomb of Xihai?" Xiao Chen asked.

"No." The disciple said categorically.

"Well, isn't this person that person?" Xiao Chen asked, pointing to himself.

This disciple was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head to look at Xiao Chen, and after a while, he said: "Palace Master, how to deal with this matter, if you don't kill them, it will damage the reputation of our Xihai Tomb."

"Your ability to change the subject is quite strong, nothing more, lotus, rose, peony, you gather all the disciples of the Xihai Tomb and let them stand on the spot. First go out and have a look at this palace. No one is allowed without the order of this palace Shot."

Xiao Chen looked at the three girls and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Palace Master!"

Xiao Chen nodded, and he flew away directly.

"Little Wang Ba Lao, how does the old man feel that you are so excited?"

"The murderous heart has already started, can't hold it!"

"Hahaha, you are very similar to the old man in this respect. If you were the old man, the old man would definitely have a good time." The ground smirked and his saliva flowed down.

"Just save the time, with me, it is absolutely impossible for you to eat humanoid creatures."

"Cut, what about humanoid creatures, it tastes equally delicious." Di Sha coldly snorted.

Outside the tomb of Xihai!

"The killing **** Xiao Chen must be in the tomb of Xihai. This is the news from Tianji Palace. You hid Xiao Chen in the tomb of Xihai, do you want to swallow the ancestor weapon?"

"I'm saying it again, our Xihai Tomb didn't kill the **** Xiao Chen. If you are entangled, don't blame our Xihai Tomb for hurting the killer!"

"Stop talking nonsense, if it were before, maybe we would be afraid of the Xihai Tomb, but now that so many Holy Kingdom forces are dispatched together, even the Xihai Tomb would never want to swallow the ancestors alone."

"The Xihai Tomb is the daughter country of the Holy Realm. There are countless women. It's better to take this opportunity to take the women from the Xihai Tomb and take them back. It's fun."

"good idea!"

"Hahaha, the tomb of Xihai, the name is good, the cemetery of the strong in the Xihai grassland is reasonable."

At this moment, a loud laughter sounded, and then Xiao Chen's figure fell directly from the sky into the crowd, smiling, looking at the people around him.

"this is...!"

"It's him, Xiao Chen, the killing god!"

"Xiao Chen, you finally showed up, you will die soon!"

"Xiao Chen, hand over the ancestors you have, and we can spare you one death!"

After seeing Xiao Chen's face clearly, there were loud shouts.

"Just because you want to grab the ancestor weapon from the killing god, you don't take a **** and take photos of yourself. Do you have that qualification? A group of poor worms who are blinded by lard.

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