Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2716: Two ancestors!


There was a blasting sound. Although Xiao Chen's defensive shield was not broken, it was shocking. He couldn't help but spout a mouthful of blood.

But the others looked at the defensive cover on Xiao Chen with shocked expressions, and then said in disbelief: "What, another ancestral weapon."

"How is it possible, he is just an ancient sage, how can he have two ancestors."

Mo Beishan was shocked and inexplicably jealous.

"It's no wonder that with such a strong foundation, he actually owns two ancestors." Xia Rui was also very shocked. If only the ancestors' background, Xiao Chen's background has surpassed Qinghai Sect.

"Fortunately, I have the foresight." Deng Jiuyou breathed a sigh of relief. If he did, he would have been killed by a sword.

"How is it possible, how long it has been, how could he have been so strong." Bai Hualan murmured. Although she doesn't know how strong the strong men who besieged Xiao Chen are, she can feel the breath of these people. Strong, some even stronger than Mo Beishan, this discovery shocked her to the extreme.

The killing intent flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, a turnaround, the person had already appeared behind a strong man, his sword turned into a spear, and Xiao Chen shot it out, directly giving the strong man a chill.


Immediately after Xiao Chen shouted, the Overlord Fist bombarded the tail of the spear, and suddenly in everyone's stunned eyes, the spear strung the two strong men into a string and sank into the city.

The next moment, there was a loud noise in the city.

After killing the three powerhouses with a single shot, Xiao Chen's men kept flashing, and the Bawang Fist burst out. After he broke through the Seventh Layer of the Ancient Sage, the power of the Bawang Fist increased exponentially. With his current strength, even the ancestors The Holy Trinity can also go head-to-head.

With the defense of the God of War suit, he didn't need to defend at all. Suddenly Xiao Chen used his own strength to crush the many powerful people, and he could only be exhausted for defense.

Mo Beishan looked at Xiao Chen on the rampage, his eyes were full of jealousy. He couldn't understand how an ancient sage could be so strong, but he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly looked in one direction, and the next moment the person had disappeared.

The ancestor of the Kang family looked at Xiao Chen with a gloomy expression on his face. Most of the people who came this time were strong from his Kang family. He had just started fighting and several good players had already died. How could he not feel distressed.

"damn it!"

The ancestor of the Kang family held the Demon Sealing Orb and approached Xiao Chen. A beam of light suddenly formed on the Demon Sealing Orb, which suddenly shrouded Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen felt that the danger was coming, and it was too late. The beam of light instantly enveloped Xiao Chen, and then the defensive cover on Xiao Chen's body disappeared without a trace.

"Hahaha, boy, your defensive ancestor weapon has lost its effect, you just wait to die." The Kang family ancestor laughed. The Demon Sealing Orb is not only a defensive ancestor weapon, but also a sealed ancestral weapon. The attacking ancestral weapon in Xiao Chen's hand is missing, and the defensive ancestral weapon has no effect. He is just an ancient sage, and he does not recognize them for slaughter.

"Hahaha, Xiao Chen, you are such an idiot, you even threw the ancestor weapon out, which made me cheap."

At this moment, a wild laugh sounded, and then everyone found Mo Beishan standing not far away holding a spear.

"With this ancestor tool, who else can stop me."

Hearing this, the surrounding powerhouses looked at Mo Beishan for an instant. When they saw the spear in his hand, their faces were suddenly full of jealousy. Mo Beishan is not Xiao Chen, but he is the powerful ancestor. Needless to say the power of the device.

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