Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 268: Goodbye Xia Zhengchun!

Unexpectedly, Chu You really admitted that he was a toad, and a beautiful smile appeared on the corner of Hai Ru's mouth.

"I didn't expect Xiao Chen to be so bold, even Chu You dared to play, he deserves to be the person that sister Ruoxi likes."

At this time, many people around also heard it, watching Chu You's expression full of weirdness, even some people looked at Chu You's anger without knowing it, some wanted to laugh, but due to the identity of the other party, they were Dare not laugh.

Chu You looked at Xiao Chen angrily, and suddenly noticed that the eyes of the people around him were a little strange. His face was taken aback, and there was a daze. After a while, he seemed to have discovered something. His eyes were full of anger and killing intent. .

"You dare to fool me?"

"Fucking you, I don't have the time to play you." Xiao Chen glanced at Chu You with disdain, and said lightly.


There was a trace of stunned expression on everyone's faces. Not only did Xiao Chen play Chu You, he was so rude to Chu You now, didn't he know Chu You's identity?

Everyone, looking at the light smile on Xiao Chen's face and the anger on Chu You's face, strange thoughts rose in their hearts.

The first toad in the capital actually met the head of the four masters in the capital, and they were all watching how Chu You dealt with Xiao Chen.

"If you don't kill you today, this prince will not be called Chu You." Chu You's voice became extremely cold, and his eyes were full of anger.

A toad who was the last from the bottom not only dared to play tricks on him, but also dared to despise him so much. If he didn't behead the other party, then he wouldn't be the head of the four sons of the capital.

"You call Chu You, watch my ass, but if you want to kill me, then you have to look at the one behind you." Xiao Chen said lightly, looking at Xia Fang behind Chu You with a gloomy expression.

When the warriors outside the main hall made an uproar, it had already attracted the attention of the central and internal powerhouses. As the chief executive this time, Xia Fang naturally came to the place where the incident occurred.

"Little Prince Chu You, today is the wedding day of the Xia Family and the Xiao Family. If you have any personal grievances, please settle it at another time." Xia Fang glanced at Chu You and said gloomily, at the same time the Wuzong aura was looming.

Chu You looked at Xia Fang's gloomy face and clenched his fists. He knew that if Xia Fang came forward, it would be impossible for him to kill Xiao Chen.

He tried to calm his mood and looked at Xiao Chen, "I'm letting you live for a while."

After speaking, he turned around and pulled Hairu into the hall.

Hai Ru glanced at Xiao Chen worriedly, and reluctantly followed Chu You into the hall.

"Are you Xiao Chen?" Xia Fang looked at Xiao Chen and asked gloomily.

"Yes." Xiao Chen glanced at Xia Fang.

"What are you doing here?"

"Look for Xia Zhengchun." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Audacious, how dare you call the Patriarch's name directly." Xia Fang drew in a deep voice, pressing the breath of Wu Zong's peak on Xiao Chen.

"I came to him to return the marriage contract." Xiao Chen glanced at Xia Fang and said lightly, Emperor Wu had been killed, although it was mainly Li Jing's help, but the pressure of Wu Zong in Xiafang District was fundamental to Xiao Chen. There is no threat.

Xia Fang was taken aback, and his gaze at Xiao Chen was a bit solemn. Even the general Wuzong expert would show panic in front of him, but Xiao Chen was like a person without incident, without a trace of change on his face.

"You wait." Xia Fang thought for a while, and then returned to the hall.

After a while, Xia Fang returned to Xiao Chen and said lightly: "The mainstay will see you, come with me."

"Good." Xiao Chen nodded, followed Xia Fang, and walked all the way into the hall.

When he came inside the hall, Xiao Chen saw many big people, and these people also looked at Xiao Chen with abusive expressions on their faces.

"It turned out to be him?" Bai Shengtian looked at Xiao Chen, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

When Xia Fang just came in, he reported to Xia Zhengchun that everyone around him heard clearly, and they were also full of curiosity about the son of Xiao Zhantian, the last of the Xiao Clan's martial arts.

"He was defeated by a girl of the Innate Realm, how is this possible?" Although Bai Shengtian looked down on Xiao Chen, he believed that being a man of Xia Ruoxi would not be easy.

"What the **** is going on?" Bai Shengtian was lost in thought.

At this time, Nangongfei and Ye Tian also recognized Xiao Chen, Ye Tian only glanced at Xiao Chen, but didn't pay much attention, and Nangongfei and Bai Shengtian were lost in thought.

Chu You looked at Xiao Chen angrily, gritted his teeth, as if he was about to eat Xiao Chen raw.

Xiao Chen looked at Xia Zhengchun directly, and Aunt Lan was sitting beside him. Behind him stood a few beautiful girls with strong dresses. Xiao Chen was a little familiar, but couldn't remember where she had seen it.

Xiao Wudi and Xia Ruoyu were obviously dressed up, handsome men and beautiful women.

"What about the engagement?" Xia Zhengchun said indifferently while looking at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the marriage contract and threw it to Xiao Wudi who was aside.

Xiao Chen was so straightforward, but it made the others stunned, Xiao Wudi stunned to hold the marriage contract in his hand, he did not expect that Xiao Chen would surrender the marriage contract without hesitation.

"Since the marriage contract has been returned, then you can leave, since then it has nothing to do with the Xia family." Xia Zhengchun said coldly.

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