Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 247: Love rival!

After speaking, Aunt Lan left in a hurry. Xiao Chen had no choice but to sit down alone, drinking the tea that the maid brought up.

After a while, Aunt Lan returned to the side hall, followed by a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man has a handsome face, a straight nose, and a slightly dark skin. No matter how you look at it, he is a handsome man.

The husband and wife are handsome men and beautiful women. No wonder Xia Ruoxi gave birth to such a beautiful woman.

Looking at the two of them, Xiao Chen couldn't help but think of Shangguanying and her parents.

"You are the son of Big Brother Zhantian, Xiao Chen." Xia Zhengchun looked at Xiao Chen with a pair of clear eyes, and said with excitement.

"My nephew Xiao Chen met Uncle Zhengchun." Xiao Chen saluted respectfully.

"Yes, it looks okay." Xia Zhengchun looked at Xiao Chen, nodded and said: "If we hadn't seen this jade pendant, for so many years, we didn't know that Big Brother Zhantian actually had a son."

"How did you live for so many years?" Xia Zhengchun looked at Xiao Chen and asked very seriously.

"My grandfather Xiao Batian and I have always lived in Lianyun City under Nanlin County." Xiao Chen said softly. Although I don't know how Xia Zhengchun's relationship is with his father, even with Xia Ruoxi's father's identity, he deserves his respect. .

"Nanlin County? I know a little bit about it, a very backward county. It has been hard for you all these years." Xia Zhengchun looked at Xiao Chen and sighed: "At the beginning, your father left without saying goodbye. Later, your grandfather left without saying goodbye. I have been I was looking for your grandpa, but I haven't found it."

"Lian Yuncheng is very remote, and it is normal for Uncle Zhengchun to find it."

"What is your cultivation base now?"

"Just broke through the Martial King Realm." Xiao Chen said softly. He didn't intentionally say that his cultivation base was too low, but he was born in a remote small city, and his cultivation base was not normal.

"Your father had already broken through the realm of Wuzong when you were at your age." Xia Zhengchun sighed: "Your father's talent at the beginning was envied by many people. In that era, he was the leader and beat his peers."

"I will work hard to cultivate and not shame my father." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Ambitious." Xia Zhengchun said: "If you have any needs, you can directly contact me."

"Thank you Uncle Zhengchun, I came here this time mainly to talk about the marriage contract." Xiao Chen stretched his hand into his arms, originally wanting to return the marriage contract.

But before he spoke, he was interrupted by Xia Zhengchun.

"It's not in a hurry. It's the first time you come to Xia's house. I'll take you around first." With that, Xia Zhengchun couldn't help but said, pulling Xiao Chen out of the side hall, introducing everything to Xiao Chen.

Along the way, Xia Zhengchun introduced Xiao Chen to the forces of the Xia family. Xiao Chen pretended to be a hillbilly, listening to Xia Zhengchun's introduction, from time to time he exclaimed.

Xia Zhengchun introduced the children of Xia Jia Tianjiao, no matter how strong, talented or background Xiao Chen was.

Finally, Xia Zhengchun took Xiao Chen to the backyard, which was full of banquet tables at this time.

"This is'Bear's Paw Stewed'. This bear's paw was obtained by killing the Blind Bear, the monster of the Wuwang realm. This dish alone costs dozens of spiritual stones." Xia Zhengchun pointed to a dish and introduced.

Xiao Chen opened his mouth wide and exaggeratedly said: "I have never seen a monster in the realm of King Wu. It is so powerful, and a dish costs dozens of spiritual stones. This is enough for me to cultivate for more than a month in the Xiao family. Resources."

"Come and eat more." When Aunt Lan saw this, she glanced at Xia Zhengchun without a trace, and then pinched all the stewed bear paws to Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen was not polite and gobbled it up.

Seeing Xiao Chen's appearance, a smile flashed in Aunt Lan's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Zhengchun began to introduce dishes to Xiao Chen. Every dish is very precious. Xiao Chen will sigh for every dish. At this time, Aunt Lan will always enthusiastically pick up dishes for Xiao Chen.

For the martial artist, as the strength of the cultivation base becomes stronger and stronger, being able to slowly does not make people feel hungry. It is said that after the strength reaches a certain cultivation level, they can completely non-feed and no longer need to eat.

But seeing so many good foods, Xiao Chen also had a great appetite.

Just after Xiao Chen had almost eaten, and when he was about to return the marriage contract again, two people suddenly walked in at the door.

One woman a year, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

The two walked in arm in arm.

"Father, mother." The woman saluted Xia Zhengchun and Aunt Lan.

Xiao Chen raised his head and took a look. The woman was very beautiful, somewhat similar to Xia Ruoxi. It seemed that she should be Xia Ruoyu, the eldest daughter of the Xia family.

Then, the young man next to her should be the strongest talent in the Xiao family today, Xiao Wudi.

Love rival? It shouldn't count, I don't have any feelings for Xia Ruoyu.

"I have seen my father-in-law and mother-in-law." Xiao Wudi said in a salute to a junior.

"You are back, sit down." Xia Zhengchun greeted him very enthusiastically, while Aunt Lan took a careful look at Xiao Chen, and only after finding that there was nothing wrong with him, she was slightly relieved.

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