Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 234: go away!

Shangguan Bo was already out of anger. He gritted his teeth and stared at Xiao Chen. His only arm rested on Xiao Chen's body. There was a surge of spiritual energy in his hand. He wanted to urge Zhen Yuan to hangover for Xiao Chen. He hurry. Mad.

And Xiao Chen in the sea of ​​knowledge almost laughed, "The system is so talented!"

Xiao Chen had long been unhappy with Guan Bo, but he didn't expect that the system would come to such a hand.

But when Xiao Chen was about to see how the system would continue, a reminder sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for gaining Level 6 Golden Spirit Power!"

. . . . . .

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for gaining the sixth-level dark spirit power!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Supreme Void God Armor!"

Armor: Taixu God Armor

Level: Artifact

Description: One of the top ten artifacts of the ancient Chinese kingdom on the earth, Taixu God Armor, the first of the ten artifacts, has defenses against the sky, and everything is invaded!

After hearing the system's prompt tone, Xiao Chen's expression suddenly became very serious, where there was a little drunk appearance, the other three were slightly taken aback, Xiao Chen didn't say much, and took all the earth spirit power accumulated in his body. And Taixu God Armor took it out.

Xiao Chen gave these things to Shang Guanying in a brain, and after introducing the use of the power of the earth spirit, said: "Wait for me, two years, I will definitely find you."

The next moment, a black hole appeared and directly sucked Xiao Chen in.

"What kind of magic is this?" Fairy Unfeeling and Shangguanbo looked at the black hole with dull faces. After a while, they reacted and looked at the things in Shangguanying's hands.

"What is this?" Looking at the power of the earth spirit, the unfeeling fairy asked curiously.

"My husband said this is the power of the earth spirit, which can improve my earth spirit body."

"What? The power of the earth spirit, this kind of thing against the sky, how can he have it, I am afraid that even the immortal emperor does not have such a thing against the sky." Shangguan Bo said in a very shocked voice.

"The power of the earth spirit? Does this kind of thing really exist?" The unfeeling fairy opened her mouth slightly, her face full of shock.

"Try it and you will know?" As she said, Shangguanying swallowed the power of the earth spirit into her mouth.

After a while, feeling the aura of Shangguanying's body, Shangguanbo said with a shocked look: "Who is that kid? There is such a thing against the sky!"

"My mother-in-law's son-in-law is really getting more and more mysterious!" The Unfeeling Fairy said with a smile, but Shangguan Bo rarely objected.

"Also, what is that black armor?" The Unfeeling Fairy asked curiously.

"Artifact!" Shangguanying gently stroked the armor, then put it on her body, and her body was undergoing a certain change.

Fairy Unfeeling and Shangguanbo looked at Shangguanying with dull faces.

. . . . . .

Somewhere, high in the sky, a black hole suddenly appeared.

Xiao Chen's body suddenly appeared, looking at the blue sky with a dazed expression.

"Where is this place?"

Then, his body plummeted.

"Wocao, system, why did you throw labor and capital in the air?" Xiao Chen roared directly, listening to the whistling wind in his ear.

"Black Dragon Wing!"

"Ding! Black Dragon Wings cannot be used!"

"System, you sell leather! You want to kill your labor and capital!" Xiao Chen shouted.


Xiao Chen let out a scream of frustration.

The black dragon wing cannot be used, he can only open the shield.


Xiao Chen seemed to have broken through some barrier, but he didn't notice at all, his body still fell downward.

After falling for a full minute, Xiao Chen fell directly into a lake and splashed into the sky.

Even if he fell into the water, he was dizzy and dizzy, and his health value dropped sharply, less than one-tenth. If it weren't for the last activation, the defense power of the true soul diamond iron bone and the Wushuang war spirit would be greatly increased. It became the first traveler to fall to death in history.

Xiao Chen popped his head out of the water, panting and cursing, "System, what are you going to do?"

After cursing, Xiao Chen looked dumbfounded, his pupils suddenly widened, his mouth was even more open, and his nose was bleeding out of his nose.

Whether in the lake, on the shore, or on the reef, sits a girl with a veil, her white body looming, and a beautiful face.

They all looked at Xiao Chen curiously.

"Who is she? I haven't seen her before?"

"I thought it was a fairy? I didn't expect it to be a person?"

"She looks so strange, why is there no Twin Peaks?"

The surrounding girls were discussing fiercely. Xiao Chen looked at these happy, completely undefended girls, completely unaware where he was.

In the next moment, he could no longer control the great power in his body, his nosebleeds spurted out, and Xiao Chen fainted with excitement.

"Why is she dizzy?" Several girls hurriedly rescued Xiao Chen from the water.

They lay Xiao Chen flat on the ground and watched carefully.

Suddenly, an old white-haired woman with a cane walked over.

"what happened?"

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