Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2299: Get together in Sannomiya!

Xiao Chen sensed the breath of the powerful people around him, and then said with disdain.

"Xiao Chen, I know that you are very strong. All the strong men in my Yuan family's mid-stage manifestation were beheaded by you. You may not pay attention to these people, but I tell you that they are the manifestations of the Qingsheng Palace. The strong man in Canglong Palace is the strong man in Shanshan Palace. If you dare to do anything against them, you will be the enemy of the entire Nine Star Territory. At that time, not only you, but your entire family will die with you. !"

Yuan Shang said coldly, these powerful sages may not be Xiao Chen's opponents, but their identities are extraordinary, they represent the three strongest forces in the Nine Star Territory.

"Enemy with the entire Nine-Star Territory?" Chu Yun, Xiao Ruhu and others' eyes flashed disdain. With Xiao Chen's current combat power, the entire Nine-Star Territory had been stepped under their feet. enemy.

"It turns out that you want to press me down, but unfortunately you still underestimate my Xiao Chen. If I want to kill you, even if the three major palace masters gather together, I am not afraid."

Xiao Chen said lightly, but his words made Yuan Shang and the others' complexions gloomy in an instant.

"Junior has a big tone." At this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded, and then a figure flickered from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, a fat middle-aged figure had appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing this middle-aged obese figure, the surrounding Shanshan Palace disciples were shocked, and then hurriedly saluted: "Participate in the Palace Master!"

"Palace lord?" Xiao Chen was startled. Could it be the palace lord of Shanshan Palace, the world of regret!

"Junior, you said you are not afraid of us, is it true?" Huan Tiandi appeared in front of Xiao Chen, looking at Xiao Chen with a smile.

"It's true, I'm not afraid of you." Xiao Chen said lightly. Due to his cultivation base, he could not see how high the cultivation base of Huan Tiandi was, but he was definitely not as strong as the two old servants of Chu Yun.

Besides, with Xiao Chen's current combat power, even if the world is manifested and perfected, he is not afraid.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that a small sub-sage peak, facing this palace lord, is not afraid at all." Heng Tiandi smiled.

Xiao Chen looked at Hengtiandi without speaking.

"Since you are not afraid of me, let's discuss it, can you dare?" Huan Tiandi looked at Xiao Chen with a smile.

"Unfortunately, you are becoming less and less of a strong demeanor, and you are embarrassed to learn from an ant at the pinnacle of the sub-sage."

At this moment, a slightly cold voice sounded, and then a middle-aged figure in a robe appeared not far away and said coldly.

"Another great figure appeared, this is Cangshuo, the master of Canglong Palace!" Xiao Ruhu murmured, and at this moment, the Canglong Palace disciples also hurriedly saluted.

"Cang Shuo, your mouth still smells so stinky, since you say it, it's better than let's discuss it." Huan Tiandi looked at Cang Shuo, the fat on his face shook.

"I don't have free time to fight with you. If you want to fight, go to Qingsheng." Cang Shuo said coldly.

"Cut, I don't know you yet, don't you just wait for us to lose out and attack us?" Huan Tiandi sneered.

Cang Shuo glanced at the world of regret, did not answer, just said coldly: "I don't know what Qingsheng means, he wants us to come to the first-level planet to discuss things, but he does not show up."

"Since you are so upset with him, after he appears, you will fight him." Kantiandi smiled.

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