Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2258: Luo Yan took the initiative!

A mirror appeared in front of Luo Yan again, and Luo Yan's figure disappeared. Soon, a mirror appeared, trapping the indifferent youth in it.

The young man looked at the mirror around him and frowned slightly.

At this moment, Luo Yan's figure appeared from a mirror, surrounded by a layer of mirror crystals, and punched the young man.

A sneer flashed in the indifferent young man's eyes, a reflexive punch had already been punched, and he directly punched Luo Yan.

"In the early days of the mere saint, he dared to do something to me, not knowing whether to live or die." The indifferent young man said with disdain, as his voice fell, the crystal on Luo Yan's hand began to fall off.

"My strength is still too weak. It seems that I need to rob some holy crystals to increase my strength." Luo Yan said lightly, and then the figure hidden in the mirror again, the next moment, again appeared from the other mirror, and her right hand In, crystallization appeared again.

Bang bang bang!

Luo Yan appeared in a mirror, constantly colliding with the indifferent youth, and shocked in the indifferent youth's heart: "How is it possible that this woman is only a mere sage in the early days, so she can hit so many punches with me?"

Outside the mirror, other members of the law enforcement team and others watched this scene with shock. The law enforcement team always kills with one blow. They also know the strength of their captain. Not to mention the early stage of a saint, even if the saint is perfect. It is impossible to take so many punches from him.

"The defense of the mirror crystal quality is very high, and it can also shuttle in the mirror, and the speed is so fast. It seems that this mirror crystal quality is a perfect value." Xiao Chen muttered in his heart, he could see Luo Yan itself The defense is not high, but the Jingjing on her fist is extremely high.

"I won't play with you." The indifferent young man said coldly, and then exuded a powerful aura on him. Around him, many fists condensed with holy power appeared, and they shot out at all the mirrors in an instant. The next moment, all The mirrors are all broken.

Luo Yan's figure fell from the void, with a blush of blood hanging on the corner of her mouth. It seemed that as the mirror shattered, she was also injured.

"Luo Yan, do you need help?" Xiao Chen asked in a deep voice.

"No, if even he can't beat him, I don't deserve to have a mirror crystal quality." Luo Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said lightly.

The voice fell, a mirror appeared again around the indifferent youth, and Luo Yan's figure was hidden in the mirror again.

"It's useless. I can break these rotten mirrors once, and I can break them a second time." The indifferent young man said coldly, his voice fell, and countless fists appeared again, smashing into the surrounding mirrors.

The young man wanted to see the mirror broken, but the next moment, he found that these mirrors swallowed his fist. The next moment, these mirrors merged into one side on top of his head, and then a huge Jingjing fist suddenly confronted him. Smashed him down.

The youth's complexion changed. He felt a terrifying force coming. Without any hesitation, he mobilized all the holy power in his body and blasted his fist toward Jingjing. Then the two fists collided, but the next moment, the youth was directly smashed. Entering the ground, a deep hole appeared in the ground instantly!

Jing Jing's fist also hit the ground, and the entire 13 Peaks were shaking, so people looked at this scene with shocked expressions. It was hard to believe the scene in front of them. The captain of the law enforcement team, a young man with the perfect cultivation of a saint. , Was hit by a punch into the ground!

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