Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2255: Tied up together!

A white mist sprayed out of Chen Yu's palm, enclosing all ten sharp swords, and then these sharp swords seemed to sink into a quagmire, and their speed began to slow down, and the holy power in them slowly began to turn into white mist.

"Converting sacred power into white mist, is this the special feature of Void Mist physique." Xiao Chen looked at this scene, with a look of surprise in his eyes. He discovered that these sacred powers that had been converted into white mist re-entered The sinking fish's body can make up for some of its consumption.

"Interesting!" Mo Chi's eyes appeared surprised, and then a little bit below his feet, the man had already come to Chen Yu's head, and Chen Yu did not fly out, but his entire head turned into a white mist.

A look of surprise flashed in Mo Chi's eyes again, and at this moment, a white mist instantly swallowed him, forming a sphere, and the sinking fish appeared above the sphere, spraying white mist from his hands continuously, wrapping towards the sphere. Away.

"Absolutely foggy!"

"What is this?" Mo Chi looked at the white mist ball around him and frowned slightly. He didn't feel the danger from the fog ball, but he had an ominous premonition.

Mo Chi glanced at the top, and then made a palm print, but after entering the fog, Mo Chi saw that his palm print was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the white mist scattered by the palm prints, unexpectedly gathered together again.

"Does she want to trap me with this, boring behavior!" Mo Chi said coldly, and at this moment, the white mist around him poured into his body, and then he discovered that the holy power in his body was unexpectedly It turned into a white mist, and then eliminated the body again.

"What's the matter?" Mo Chi's face changed, with a bad premonition in his heart, and then he hurriedly wanted to get rid of the white mist, but these holy powers would transform into white mist as long as they met the white mist.

"It's useless, with your strength, you can't break my absolute fog!" Shen Yu's voice rang, and the whole fog ball grew louder.

Mo Chi's face was gloomy and he started to attack continuously, but no matter how he attacked, there was no way to break the fog ball. Instead, the fog ball grew bigger and bigger.

About ten minutes later, Chen Yu released the fog ball, and Mo Chi fell directly to the ground, and there was no holy power in him. Chen Yu held his hand, Bai Wu wrapped Mo Chi and threw it on. In front of Xiao Chen.

"Master, it's solved." Shen Yu said.

"Not bad." Xiao Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then a little bit under his feet, holding Mo Chi, appeared on a stone pillar, took out a cane, and tied him to the top amidst everyone's stunned eyes.

"You dare to tie me?" Mo Chi said coldly. Although he was a little bit unclear about his defeat, he was still domineering.

Xiao Chen glanced at Mo Chi, did not speak, but returned to Shen Yu, looked at Mo Yong and others, and said lightly: "If you want to be tied to it, I can fulfill you!"

"You are so courageous, you dare to tie up my eldest brother, you don't want to live anymore!" Hearing Xiao Chen's voice, Mo Yong reacted and immediately shouted.

"Get out, otherwise tie you all here!" Xiao Chen said coldly, and Fang Liu behind him stepped forward, and the saint's later cultivation base suddenly exudes.

Not only that, but Chen Yu also stepped forward.

"Hurry up and let go of my elder brother, otherwise my Mo family will leave you dead without a place to bury you!" Mo Yong was not frightened, but screamed.

"Do it!" Xiao Chen said coldly.

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