Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2235: What about the Dark King Messenger!

"Are you saying that the messenger in front of you is a fake, he just faked Huwei with the name of the Dark King?" Xiao Chen frowned.

"That's right, but behind him there is a strong man in the early stage of Manifestation." Luo Yan said lightly.

"You seem to know the dark king's affairs very well!" Xiao Chen said with some doubts.

"Forget it, these are all information from the Dark King's messenger. You decide whether to do it yourself." Luo Yan said, and then some information appeared in his mind. After reading this information, Xiao Chen's eyes appeared unexpected.

"See the King of Darkness? No problem, but he's talking when I solve it first." Xiao Chen grinned as he looked at the young man.

"Presumptuous, didn't you hear the order of the Dark King?"

The young man shouted, his face full of anger, he had already said very clearly, Xiao Chen even dared to do it, and he simply did not put him in his eyes.

"I understand it very well, but my murderous intention has risen and I can't stop it. Since you won't let me kill him, then I will kill you."

Xiao Chen spoke lightly.

But what he said made the four smiling tigers, the old left and the old right, and everyone present stunned.

Provoking the five gang leaders, they already felt that Xiao Chen was arrogant, but after seeing Xiao Chen's combat power, they naturally thought that Xiao Chen had the qualifications to be arrogant.

However, facing the Dark King's Messenger, he was still so arrogant, making everyone feel that he had chosen the wrong target completely. The Dark King was an existence that made all the major forces fearful. Even if he was strong, he could not be the Dark King's opponent.

They think that Xiao Chen is no different from looking for death.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words made this Dark King messenger completely angry.

"What are you talking about? Are you kind of saying it again?" The young man was furious.

"Sect Master!" Zuo Lao and You Lao also looked at Xiao Chen worriedly.

Only the black owl didn't care.

"By the way, why do I look at your face a little familiar?" Xiao Chen was a little puzzled, and then a ray of light flashed in his mind, looking at the young man in front of him and said: "It turned out to be you. I didn't expect you to be quite capable. After breaking through to the consummation of the saint, he also became the envoy of the Dark King."

"Do you know this messenger?" The furious young man had a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Are you Pan Mu?" Xiao Chen said lightly. The young man in front of him was the purpose of his and Pei Siyan's coming to Dark King City. The target of the reward mission was Pan Mu, but Pan Mu was completely different from what he knew.

"Who are you?" Pan Mu's face was a little gloomy.

"The one who killed you." Xiao Chen said indifferently, the voice fell, the black barrier disappeared, and a sword Ben Lei had been cut out, passing through his chest in Pan Mu's stunned eyes.

Pan Mu looked at the hole in front of his chest, still a little confused in his eyes. He didn't expect that someone in the Dark King City would dare to do something to the Dark King's Messenger.

"Points are also points when they are small." Xiao Chen came to Pan Mu and said lightly.

Pan Mu looked up in amazement. Hearing Xiao Chen's words, he suddenly thought of something and said, "You are..."

It's just that before his words fell, a sword light flashed, and his head had been taken away by Xiao Chen, leaving only a headless corpse standing on the spot.

The two middle-aged people behind Pan Mu were sprayed with blood, but they didn't pay attention at all, they just looked at Xiao Chen stupidly.

The four smiling tigers looked at Xiao Chen, their eyes widened, with shock and horror in their eyes. The Dark King's messenger killed him when he said he was killed. Doesn't this kid have any scruples?

Xiao Chen ignored the other two middle-aged people and went straight to Tie Ba.

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