Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2225: Bump!

"Could it be arranged by Xiao Chen in advance?" Pei Siyan asked.

"Impossible, if it was arranged in advance, I would definitely be able to feel it." Wu Yang denied, he is a genius of the Holy Forbidden, the formation is connected with the Holy Forbidden, if there is a formation before here, he will definitely be able to perceive it. of.

"He was set up when he just dodged Chen Sihai's attack, but he wanted to defeat Chen Sihai based on this alone, and it was still too much."

Qing Luan said lightly, but there was a touch of shock in his eyes.

"While dodging, while laying out the formation?" Wu Yang and Pei Siyan both looked surprised.

Chen Sihai looked at the sharp sword in the sky with a sneer in his eyes, and then dragged his hands. Around him, countless sharp swords condensed by thunder appeared, collided with the seven-star sword, and then instantly destroyed.

"The Canglong was born!" A huge fire dragon appeared behind Xiao Chen. After all the Seven Star Swords and Thunder Swords had canceled each other out, a huge breath was already expelled at Chen Sihai.

"Beng Lei!" Thunder power appeared on Chen Sihai, rushing into his breath, and hitting the dragon's head with a punch. The entire fire dragon instantly collapsed, and Chen Sihai had already passed through the fire dragon and came facing Xiao Chen at an extremely fast speed.

Xiao Chen looked at the fire dragon collapsed, his expression a little solemn, "It seems that if you don't use all the sacred bones, it is still a bit too difficult to fight the Saint's Dzogchen."

The Canglong was born, and he saw him being taken in this way for the first time. Then the Lei Ben appeared in his hand, the holy bone exuded holy power, the sword Ben Lei was ready, and after Chen Sihai rushed out of the fire dragon, he had already cut it directly. Out.

Chen Sihai ran into the thunder with a sword head-on, astonishment flashed in his eyes, punched out, and then there was a loud noise, Chen Sihai was knocked out instantly.

There was a moment of silence in the court, and Chen Sihai, who was a great saint, was knocked out. The members of the Seven Profound Clan were all dull. In their impression, Chen Sihai was invincible, but this scene made them unable to return. God comes.

"Not dead?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and there was no notification sound from the system, which meant that Ben Lei could not kill Chen Sihai with a single sword.

"Boy, **** you!" Chen Sihai returned from a distance, with a wound on his chest, and blood was flowing out.

Chen Sihai was injured.

"If it wasn't for your attack that contained the thunder attribute, maybe I was already dead. A sub-sage peak has such a terrifying combat power. You are really terrible. I must kill you today!"

Chen Sihai exuded a terrible thunder. At this time, there was no anger in his heart, because he could not be angry. The boy in front of him had too many methods, and he had to calm down and go all out.

Xiao Chen looked at Chen Sihai, and slowly calmed down. Even though he had two attributes of Fire and Ice, his main attack was the lightning attribute.

"It seems that it is impossible to kill him with a sword, but fortunately, after this tempering, the holy power in my body has once again greatly increased, and I can use that trick."

Xiao Chen put the Ben Lei Sword away, then Ling Tian Hua Dao appeared in his hand, and at the same time a cold air came from him.

"Boy, die!" Chen Sihai's speed increased again, even if the Chaos Domain's restriction effect on it was small, Xiao Chen used the Seven Star Wing to dodge again.

Bang bang bang!

Within a short period of time, Xiao Chen received several punches. If it were not for the protection of the power from the holy bones, presumably Xiao Chen's current sacred body had also been broken up.

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