Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2211: Unmatched!

As for those saints, there were twelve Xiao Chen sneak attacks, which was enough.

In the center of the maze, there is the strongest Scar. At this time, Scar's face is gloomy to the extreme, and even more angry, and his body exudes a horrible knife intent. Every time the knife is cut, a mirror will be broken.

However, there is the mist of Shenyu, and the scar can't go out for a while, and Luo Yan can also mobilize other mirrors to block it, but her strength is limited, she can't form more mirrors, and sooner or later they will all be broken.

"Are you sure to deal with the saint and the powerful person?" After Xiao Chen killed another saint in the middle stage, Luo Yan's voice came in his mind.

"What are you not yours, call it Master!"

"I said that you are not qualified to be my master, but because you help me improve my physique, I will help you for a while." Luo Yan said lightly.

"You girl is very arrogant, but being a teacher will surely make you willing to call me Master." Xiao Chen said.

"There won't be that day." Luo Yan said indifferently, and then changed the conversation: "Sage Consummation is completely incomparable with the late-stage powers of the Saints. The reason why the Saints are strong is because they have the body of the Saints. The formation of the sacred bone, even a small section of the sacred bone, its strength and defense are far beyond the saint's later stage.

"To be honest, as a teacher, I don't know how strong a saint is, so I don't know if I am sure if I am a teacher." Xiao Chen said, and at the same time, he had new guesses about Luo Yan's identity. , How could he know this, but he didn't study it deeply, he knew that one day, he would know.

"Then give it a try. We can't hold on for long." Luo Yan said, and then a mirror appeared in front of Xiao Chen. Without hesitation, Xiao Chen stepped directly into the mirror. When he stepped out again, he could see it. Scar of an angry sword swinging in the distance.

Xiao Chen lurked forward for a certain distance, the Ben Lei sword appeared in his hand, and then he cut it out with a sword Ben Lei directly, but unlike before, the one sword Ben Lei not only had black thunder, but also a fire sword and ice sword. , The three different attributes were fused together, and under the premise that the speed did not change at all, they shot directly at the scar.

But just when Yijian Benlei hit Scar, but saw that the sword turned around and cut out with a knife, and directly collided with Yijian Benlei.

"Huh?" Scar's complexion was slightly startled, and then he suddenly retreated from his feet. At the same time, he cut a few knives and collided with a sword rushing to thunder. Then a strong explosion sounded, blowing away the nearby mist. Come.

"It seems that it is impossible to sneak attack on the saint to complete the strong." Xiao Chen's expression was a bit solemn. Soon, a blade of light cut the explosion away, and the figure of the scar passed through the explosion and appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

"Little bastard, how dare you show up in front of me?" Scar was dragging his long knife, staring at Xiao Chen viciously.

"The Sage Consummation is indeed powerful. It seems that it is too difficult to kill you now. I will definitely kill you next time I meet!" Xiao Chen said, his strongest attack was so easily blocked, he didn't think He still has a chance to kill Scar.

"We won't meet here anymore, today is your death date!" Scar said coldly, the long knife on the ground suddenly slashed at Xiao Chen, and a blade of light carrying a terrifying aura had already been slashed at Xiao Chen.

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