Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2204: Guardian escape!

"Sect Master!" Looking at Xiao Chen in the middle of the flame breath, Fang Liu and others exclaimed.

Xiao Chen's face was solemn, and a blue dragon roared out, directly greeted him and collided with the huge flame breath, but the blue dragon only consumed some of the flame breath's power, and it had already dissipated.

And just after the blue dragon dissipated, a double destruction sword stabbed up, once again weakening the power of the flame breath, it was also completely swallowed!

The next moment, the entire flame breathed, directly swallowing Xiao Chen, and the entire ruins of the Seven Profound Pavilion were completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"I don't believe it. I can't kill you even if my saint urges such a strong profound meaning in the later stage!" The guardian's face was a little pale, and the roar of the fire crow was his strongest secret. He didn't have any contempt in his heart, so he just used it. The strongest strength.

"The guardian is mighty!" Seeing this scene, the other Seven Profound Clan experts uttered sky-shattering cheers. Fang Liu and the others looked at the sea of ​​fire nervously, but in the dark, they felt that Xiao Chen was not dead!

At this moment, they suddenly saw black light appearing in the sea of ​​fire, and then they found a figure with a black fire dragon hovering all over the body, stepping out of the sea of ​​fire, shaking people's hearts.

The law protector and the Seven Profound Clan experts saw this scene, their eyes suddenly widened, and there was a look of shock in their eyes.

"How is it possible?" the law protector asked in disbelief. He couldn't know how powerful the fire crow roar was. A sub-sage, even though his combat power was extraordinary, could not stop his attack.

"Could it be because of the black fire?" The guardian looked at the black fire dragon circling around Xiao Chen, and this black fire dragon was the nether fire. If it was another attack, Xiao Chen might have no choice but to face the flame, the nether fire was not afraid of it. .

"The attack of the powerful saint in the late stage is really extraordinary, and he almost died!" Xiao Chen looked at the protector, and said lightly, his two powerful and mysterious attacks could not stop the opponent's attack. If it weren't for the ghost fire, he could It's going to suffer.

"Who on earth are you?" The Law Protector looked at Xiao Chen and asked solemnly.

"Sky Star Sect Xiao Chen!"

"Xiao Chen, right, I remember you!" the guardian said condensedly, and when his voice fell, the whole person turned into a stream of light and fled to the distance.

A scene that happened suddenly made the other strong men look dumbfounded, and the dignified saint later strong man ran away.

"Want to run, the cooked duck, how could he let him fly!" A cold color flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, the Seven Star Wings flashed, and a star light flashed, Xiao Chen had already chased the Law Protector.

"How is it possible that this kid, with such a strong profound meaning, can prevent my attack, even the speed is so fast, how many secrets are there in him." Feeling the breath behind him, the guardian suddenly became calm, a sub-sage The methods are endless, and they are all so strong, even if he is a little envious.

At this moment, the guardian sensed a life-and-death crisis, and then turned his head in amazement, and found that Xiao Chen was holding a long sword emitting lightning rays, slashing out at him, and then a black lightning cut through the space and fell directly On him.

"He actually still has unused methods." The protector murmured, with unwillingness flashing in his eyes, and then his body kept inertia and rushed into the mountain below, suddenly raising a cloud of dust and shaking the mountain.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Profound Roar of Fire Crow!"

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