Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2200: Dominate the Dark King!

A day later, Xiao Chen looked at the information in the jade slip, and was a little surprised. There were no less than 50 affiliated gangs of the Seventh Profound Gang. It is hard to imagine how many gangs there are in the Dark King City. I am afraid the Xingye Gang, the Four Six Gangs This class of gangs are fundamentally influential.

At the same time, Xiao Chen also learned that the entire Dark King City was searching for him, and that every passage in and out of the Dark King City was guarded by members of the Seven Profound Gang, and only allowed to enter but not to leave.

Not only the Seven Profound Clan’s search team, but also all affiliated forces are dispatched. The Seven Profound Clan is so fanciful that other big gangs are very disdainful. However, some small and medium gangs are in danger because they are likely to be worn by the Seven Profound Clan. The last accusation of harboring Xiao Chen was then either destroyed or surrendered.

"Young Master, I'm afraid it won't take three days. The Seven Profound Gang's search team will appear in the outer area. I am afraid that the entire outer area will be reshuffled." Fang Liu said solemnly. It is divided into outer area, middle ring area, and core area.

The four or six gangs belong to the outer area, and gangs in the core area such as the Qixuan Gang are generally unwilling to step into the outer area.

"Are there any affiliated gangs of the Seven Profound Gang in the outer area?" Xiao Chen frowned and asked.

"Yes, there are six powerful gangs in the outer area. They are the six major gangs in the core area arranged in the outer area and are responsible for guarding the outer area. Among them, the Qixuan Pavilion is a subsidiary gang of the Qixuan Gang."

"How strong is the Seven Profound Pavilion?" Xiao Chen nodded and asked again.

"The pavilion master of the Seven Profound Pavilion is a powerful late sage, there are also five mid-sage sages, and early sages of about twenty!" Fang Liudao.

"Since we have decided to fight the Seven Profound Gang to the end, then use the Seven Profound Pavilion to perform the operation." Xiao Chen said: "But before we do it, we have to establish our own gang, the gang is named the Sky Star Sect, and the goal of the Sky Star Sect, It is to dominate the Dark King."

"Ah!" Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the Fang Liu and others in the discussion hall were all dumbfounded and completely dumbfounded. It's okay to establish the Sky Star Sect, but the goal is too big.

Dominate the Dark King? This is dozens of times more difficult than destroying the Seven Profound Gang, even Qingsheng Palace dare not think about it.

"Young Master..." Fang Liu wanted to persuade something, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Chen.

"I have decided. You don't need to say more. All you have to do is to probe into the actions of the Seven Profound Gang. As for the hands-on work, just leave it to me."

Xiao Chen said indifferently that it was Xiao Chen's later decision to dominate the Dark King. Since Fang Liu surrendered, Xiao Chen found that he had gained much more power of faith than others. If he could dominate the Dark King, he would have gained the most faith. More power, not to mention the Divine Desolate Eucharist that uses the power of faith to quench the body.

Moreover, regardless of Xiao Chen or his four apprentices, cultivation requires a lot of resources. If you can master Dark King, you will naturally get a lot of resources.

However, this is only Xiao Chen's preliminary idea, and it is still very difficult to implement it concretely.

"In addition, give me a copy of the specific materials of the Seven Profound Pavilion." Xiao Chen continued.

"Yes!" Fang Liu and others looked at Xiao Chen with a firm attitude, and they could only smile bitterly.


The Seven Profound Pavilion is one of the six major gangs in the peripheral area of ​​the Dark King City, and the strong are like clouds.

At this time, in the discussion hall, the gang leader Yiwen sat lightly on the main seat with a majestic expression on his face.

"You already know the thing, this kid killed a small group of the Seven Profound Gang, and our main task is to find this kid. If you can catch it alive, it's best to catch it alive. If you can't catch it alive, then kill it on the spot!"

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