Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2192: Qingzhong's experience!

Qing Zhong organized the language and told the story in a hateful tone. Soon, Xiao Chen understood the ins and outs.

It turned out that Qingzhong married a young wife. He and his wife gave birth to a daughter, but during his last trip to the mainland of Xiao’s family, his wife found a lover, and a sympathizer sold his 13-year-old daughter to The young leader of the Seven Profound Gang.

After learning the news, Qingzhong went directly to the Seven Profound Clan, and then mixed into the Seven Profound Clan, trying to rescue his daughter, but when he found his daughter, her daughter had been abused by the Seven Profound Clan’s young master. The beating was dying, and after a few words with Qingzhong, he had no breath.

In order to fulfill his daughter's last wish, he took the little girl who had suffered with her daughter to escape from the Seven Profound Gang, and didn't want to be discovered midway, so he had what Xiao Chen saw later.

"How do you want me to help you?" Xiao Chen asked.

"The old slave wants to ask the young master to help me kill the adulterer and adulteress." Qingzhong said with a murderous intent.

"Yes." Xiao Chen said, "The young master of the Seven Profound Gang, don't you want to kill it?"

Of course he wanted to kill the young master of the Seven Profound Clan. After all, the young leader of the Seven Profound Clan was the murderer who killed his daughter directly, but he also knew the power of the Seven Profound Clan in the Dark King City, even though Xiao Chen was a direct disciple of Qing Sage. In front of the Seven Profound Gang, there was no chance of winning.

If Xiao Chen could kill the adulterer and adulteress for him, that would be his great benefactor, and he didn't want to cause trouble for Xiao Chen.

"Just to save you, I have killed all the members of the Seven Profound Gang." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Ah!" Qingzhong's face changed when he heard that. He knew that if the people of the Seven Profound Clan were killed, the enmity had already been forged. Even if they did not seek revenge from the Seven Profound Clan, the Seven Profound Clan would not let go. they.

"If there is a chance, I will kill the Seven Profound Clan Young Leader for you." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"The young master has great kindness, the old slave will never forget it." Qingzhong knelt on the ground, gratefully said.

"When I avenge you, I'm saying something of gratitude." Xiao Chen said lightly, then glanced at the little girl next to Qingzhong, and wanted to leave.

But it didn't matter if I looked at it, I didn't expect the system to hear a beep.

"Ding! If you find a special physique, do you spend two million pit margins for analysis?"

"Huh? It's another special physique, and stronger than Chen Yu's virtual mist physique?" Xiao Chen was startled, and then looked at the little girl carefully, only to find that the little girl looked cold.

However, this kind of indifference can be seen on almost everyone's face in Dark King City. Xiao Chen didn't feel surprised. The little girl was half-sage and one-fold, similar to the original Shen Yu.

"What's your name?" Xiao Chen asked, looking at the little girl.

"I don't have a name." The little girl said coldly.

"Then where is your home? I will ask him to take you home."

"I don't have a home either."

Xiao Chen was taken aback, then looked at the little girl and asked, "Then what are your plans in the future?"

"No plan."

"Since you have no name, no family, and no plans, why don't you just be my apprentice, how about cultivating with me?"

Xiao Chen asked, although he doesn't know what the little girl's physique is, it is definitely more valuable than the virtual mist physique, and the system also advises Xiao Chen to analyze the little girl's physique.

"You want to accept me as a disciple?" Hearing that, the little girl finally changed in her eyes, and then looked at Xiao Chen, her eyes full of scrutiny.

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