Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2187: Trophy!

At this time, one woman and three men came nearby, headed by a very beautiful and delicate woman. When she saw so many people around, she frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

"Ah, Senior Sister Pei!" The disciples who were talking a lot, when they saw the four of them, they immediately saluted.

"What are you doing around here?" the woman asked.

"In response to Senior Sister Pei's words, several people were hung on the cliff of Qing Zhongfeng." The famous disciple said, following the disciple's gaze, these people saw Liu Shi and others.

"Wang Jing?" A young man behind the woman was taken aback when he saw Wang Jing, then his face instantly became gloomy, full of anger and said: "Who is so bold that I dare to hang my people from Chaoxia Peak on it."

"We don't know the specific situation either." The disciple hurriedly said.

"Don't let me know who it is, otherwise I will let him die." The young man said angrily, and then flew directly towards Wang Jing and others.

At this time in Qing Zhongfeng, everyone looked at Xiao Chen dumbfounded, not to mention the strong in the early stage of the abuse of the saint, but also hung them on the cliff. This is for trouble.

Xiao Chen clapped his hands, as if he had done a trivial thing, and then walked towards the gate of the compound. Those disciples who came to watch the play subconsciously stepped aside.

But just after he walked a few steps, he saw the young man flying to Wang Jing and the others.

The youth grabbed directly to the cane and pulled it hard, then he found that he hadn't pulled it away.

"What is this?" There was a look of surprise in the young man's eyes. He was a strong mid-sage, and he didn't even break a cane.

"Brother." After seeing the young man, Wang Jing's eyes flashed with excitement.

"I'll talk about your business in a while!" The young man glanced at Wang Jing and said coldly, then his hand glowed with blue light, and he wanted to break the cane again.

"Hey hey hey, what do you want to do to my cane?" At this moment, a faint voice rang. I don't know when, Xiao Chen has already appeared.

Suddenly hearing Xiao Chen's voice, Liu Shi, Wang Jing and others' expressions changed, and then they looked at Xiao Chen with a little fear.

"Boy, did you do this?" The young man naturally saw Liu Shi and the others' eyes, and then looked at Xiao Chen. When he found that Xiao Chen had only the sub-sage cultivation level, his eyes were briefly astonished.

"This is my trophies. Senior brother moved my trophies without my permission. It is a bit unnatural." Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Liu Shi and the others' eyes flashed with shame and anger, but the youth did change his expression, looking at Xiao Chen somewhat coldly.

"It turned out that you really hung my junior brother here. You are so bold."

"Brother, if you are okay, please leave. There are still many people waiting to see such a beautiful landscape."

Xiao Chen glanced at the young man and said lightly.

"You are arrogant."

Hearing this, the young man smiled, but deep in his eyes it was cold.

Xiao Chen just looked at the youth like this, without replying.

"So courageous!" The young man said coldly, and then stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Chen, and a giant palm condensed by holy power appeared instantly above his head.

Xiao Chen looked at the youth and was about to do it, but a cold voice rang.

"Du Teng, stop!"

When the voice fell, the three of Sister Pei had already come close.

"Senior Sister Pei?" Du Teng looked at Sister Pei with some confusion.

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