Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2185: What a coincidence!

"Liu Shi, what are you doing here again?" said a young man headed by another group of people, and behind him followed Wang Tongbaihe and others.

"I'll avenge my brother." Liu Shi said lightly.

"Huh? It's such a coincidence, I am here to avenge my brother." Wang Jing said in surprise.

Hearing this, Liu Shi's eyes flashed with astonishment, and Liu Tao did the same. Then Liu Tao thought of something and said, "Are you here to avenge Xiao Chen?"

In Qing Zhongfeng, there were only four inner disciples, and the other two were behind Liu Tao. The three of them wore a pair of trousers, and they did not dare to provoke Wang Tong. Then, when Qing Zhongfeng avenged him, only Xiao Chen remained. Up.

"Yes, it's that kid, presumably Brother Liu won't hinder me from waiting." Wang Jing said lightly.

"It's a coincidence that the person who offended my brother is also Xiao Chen." Liu Shi said.

Hearing this, Wang Jing's eyes also appeared surprised, and Liu Tao and Wang Tong also looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

"That's interesting. I heard that that guy is just a new disciple, and he shocked you and me. Then let's go and have a look. What exactly does that kid have?"

Wang Jing invited.

"That's what I meant." Liu Shi said, and then the two together, leading everyone on to Qingzhong Peak.

"That is the direct disciples Wang Jing and Liu Shi? What are they doing here?" At the foot of Qing Zhongfeng, the passing disciple saw this scene, with doubts in his eyes.

"I just heard that they were here to seek revenge!"

"Vengeance? Are you kidding, anyone on this shabby mountain dare to offend them both?"

"The two people really have no bottom line. They came to the inner door to seek revenge. 80% of them came to find a place for their brother. Anyway, it is boring to be idle. Going and taking a look just hurt them."

A passing saint said to himself in the early days, and then walked up to Qing Zhongfeng.

In the courtyard of Xiao Chen, the gate was kicked to smash, and Liu Tao's voice also rang: "Xiao Chen, get out."

In the room, Xiao Chen had just left the Celestial Star Territory with a wry smile on his face. At this time, not only him, but also his three apprentices, cultivation needs a lot of holy crystals.

"It seems we must do the task." Xiao Chen said, and at this moment, he heard Liu Tao's voice, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"Liu Tao, it seems that the lesson I taught you last time was too light." Xiao Chen pushed open the door, walked into the courtyard, looked at Liu Tao and the others, said lightly, with a faint ridicule in his eyes.

"Huh, Xiao Chen, as a junior, you actually committed the crime and acted on me. I will never spare you today." Liu Tao snorted coldly.

"I said that next time, I will let you understand the fate of offending me. It seems that you are taking my words off your ears."

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"I really want to see what's the end of offending you." Liu Shi walked out and said lightly.

"I want to see too." Wang Jing also walked out.

"Boy, I also want to see how you are not polite." Wang Tong walked out and looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer.

"Boy, last time you attacked me while I was unprepared, I see how you died this time!" Baihe walked out and looked at Xiao Chen bitterly.

"This kid actually offended the two direct disciples Liu Shi and Wang Jing, this guy is over." Those disciples who followed behind watching the play showed a trace of pity in their eyes when they looked at Xiao Chen.

"Huh? It's him!" The self-talking saint looked at Xiao Chen in shock at the beginning, with a shocked expression on his face.

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