Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2176: Points Pavilion!

Xiao Chen went straight to the counter, and said respectfully to the elder inside the counter: "Elder, I don't know how many points are needed for the disciple to redeem the Saint Crystal?"

"This is the first time?" The elder glanced at Xiao Chen and asked lightly.

"Yes!" Xiao Chen nodded!

"Take out the identity token!" said the elder.

Xiao Chen took out a bronze token from his body with the three characters Qingshenggong on it. This was the token for the inner disciple Qingzhong made for Xiao Chen, and it was also an identity token.

In Qingsheng Palace, disciples' tokens are divided into outer gate, inner gate, personal transmission, and true transmission.

The elders are divided into outer gate, inner gate, personal transmission, and Taishang elder.

The tokens corresponding to different identities are not the same.

The elder took the token, a sacred force broke into the token, and then handed it to Xiao Chen, and said lightly: "Look for yourself."

"Thank you elder." Xiao Chen took the token, and Soul Nian went in. In addition to his identity, there was also a list of prices and some other information.

Every inner disciple who had just entered the door had an initial score of fifty points, but Xiao Chen found that the points had been cleared to zero, which was obviously crossed out by the elders.

However, Xiao Chen didn't pursue it, just thanked the elder, and then went to the second floor of the integral pavilion.

"It seems that this sect is not too easy to be mixed up!" Xiao Chen sighed. It takes 100 points to exchange for a holy crystal. After those tasks are completed, most of them are five to ten points, and the tasks are cumbersome, at least It will take two or three months to earn one hundred points.

As for the broken sacred pill, it is more expensive. I am afraid that it is not enough to save the sacred pill by doing tasks to exchange it.

In addition to doing these tedious tasks, other cultivation resources can also be used to exchange points, but most disciples are in short supply of cultivation resources, so how can they exchange points?

Xiao Chen checked, in addition to using resources to exchange points, there is another fastest way to earn points, which is to do reward tasks.

However, the rewarding task is a high-difficulty and high-risk task. The general rewarding task is to kill hostile forces, or the traitors of the Qingsheng Palace, and the degree of danger can be imagined.

"The three tokens in the system space should be redeemable for a lot of points, but if they were taken out, it would be a bit shocking."

Canglong Palace and Qingsheng Palace have the same mechanism. The three sages of Nie Yang are the elders of the inner gate of Canglong Palace, and their tokens can be exchanged for at least tens of thousands of points.

If Xiao Chen took it out, he could indeed exchange a lot of points, but I'm afraid the entire Qingsheng Palace would cause a sensation.

Xiao Chen didn't intend to exchange it, but in addition to the three tokens, he also had a lot of things obtained from the later stage of killing two saints, including the Ninth-Rank Saint Artifact, and even three Sacred Pills.

These were of no use to Xiao Chen, the system did not prompt, and there was not much pitfall value in the recovery, so it would be better to exchange points to obtain Saint Crystal.

Soon, Xiao Chen came to the stairs of the second floor, and under the surprised eyes of several nearby disciples, he stepped into the second floor, but Xiao Chen had not taken a few steps, and several young men and women walked down facing him.

Xiao Chen glanced at it and didn't care. The group of people also saw Xiao Chen. When they found that Xiao Chen had only the second secondary cultivation base of the sub-sage, these people frowned slightly, and then a young man stood in front of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen glanced at the young man. The other party was the pinnacle of the sub-sage. Xiao Chen didn't want to cause trouble, so he let go. He wanted to bypass the young man, but he didn't want the young man to stand in front of Xiao Chen again.

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