Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2173: Inner disciple!

"I... okay." Wu Yang just wanted to say anything, no matter what Qing Luan's teeth were showing, he changed his words immediately.


Through Wuyang’s sacred prohibition, the three of Xiao Chen returned to the Star Magneto Sea again. On the way, Xiao Chen and Qingluan said that they didn’t want to expose their personal disciples' identity. Qingluan also expressed their understanding. After all, Xiao Chen’s cultivation level is only Asian Holy.

If you know too many people, I am afraid that not only Canglong Palace will do it, but even Qingsheng Palace will continue to have trouble.

After leaving the Astral Magneto Sea, Qingluan and Wu Yang left alone, and then Xiao Chen released Qingzhong and others.

"Brother, are you okay?" Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Chen worriedly.

"I'm okay." Xiao Chen laughed, and then made up a lie that a strong Qing Sage Palace passed by and saved him. Then, under the leadership of Qing Zhong, everyone entered the Green Sage Star.

"The origin of the saint here is not comparable to the Xiao Family Continent." After stepping into the green saint star, Xiao Chen felt an extremely rich origin of the saint. I am afraid that after a few months of cultivation here, he will be able to break through. Yasheng double.

After stepping into the Blue Saint Star, Qing Zhong took the battleship and went to the Blue Saint Palace through the teleportation formation, but even so, it took several days to arrive at the Blue Saint Palace. Empty, like the Qingsheng Palace in the sky.

After arriving at Qingsheng Palace, Xiao Yu and others separated from Xiao Chen and went to their own place, while Qingzhong took Xiao Chen to a mountain peak.

This is the place where Qingzhong practiced, named Qingzhongfeng after Qingzhong's name.

There are only a few simple buildings on Qingzhong Peak, which looks very desolate.

Qing Zhongfeng has three disciples, and only him, three disciples and some handyman disciples live here.

Qingzhong arranged Xiao Chen in a courtyard, and arranged several handymen in charge of Xiao Chen's trivial matters, and then he left.

It didn't take long for Qingzhong to return again, and Xiao Chen also became a disciple of Qingzhong, who belonged to the inner disciple and enjoyed the treatment of inner disciple.

After a brief chat, Qingzhong left.

After Qingzhong left, Xiao Chen disappeared in the room and appeared in the World of War Soul, taking out the holy crystals obtained in the later stage of killing the two saints, and starting to practice.

There is no sun or moon in cultivation, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen has been in Qingsheng Palace for five days, but he has never stepped out of the door.

Outside Xiao Chen's room, two women in handyman uniforms stood.

"Sister Xiaofu, what on earth are our new master doing? It's been five days since we've been here, and we only met on the first day." One of them is weak and looks very nice to the other. The somewhat charming woman asked.

"Little slaves, as handyman disciples, we just need to do our own business. Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, don't say what you shouldn't, be careful to cause trouble." Xiaofu said indifferently, his face calm, as if something Don't care about the same.

"But Sister Xiaofu, I'm very curious, the peak master even transferred you over, and I don't know where our master came from?" The slave stuck out his tongue.

Hearing that, Xiaofu's complexion was a bit ugly, and just then.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps at the gate of the courtyard, and then a group of people walked in. When they saw the headed young man, the face of the young slave changed.

"I have seen Senior Brother Liu Tao!"

The second woman hurriedly bowed her head in salute.

"Xiaofu, why are you here?" Liu Tao asked with a gloomy expression looking at Xiaofu.

"Returning to Senior Brother, we are ordered by Peak Master to take care of Senior Brother Xiao Chen's daily life."

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