Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2165: Play for the Xiao family!

Hearing that, the six powerful saints headed by Wei Guangchang and Cheng Suoran all have wry smiles on their faces. They all belong to casual cultivators, and the days of casual cultivators are very difficult. If you want them to pay no less than Elder Yu Qing’s compensation ,Totally impossible.

In the end, each of them only took out the holy crystal, and the most was only a dozen yuan.

"Are you kidding me to play?" Xiao Chen's expression became cold. In fact, Xiao Chen also knew that this might really be their worth, because even Xiao Rulong would only be worth twenty yuan.

"This is really what we are worth." Wei cheerful smiled bitterly, regretting to the extreme in his heart. He never thought that they would lose with such a strong lineup, and the defeat was so thorough. Now it's alright. When he arrived, he had lost all his worth, and had already known that he would not help Elder Qing.

"I am very dissatisfied with your compensation. Now you have only two choices. First, surrender to my Xiao family, become the worship of the Xiao family, and serve the Xiao family. Second, die!" Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Become the worship of the Xiao family?" Hearing this, Wei Guangchang and others were surprised. In fact, they are almost the same as Xiao Rulong. They belong to the head of the family, but at the same time they belong to the existence of the grandmother who does not care for the uncle. When they broke through the saints at the beginning, I don't know how much thought and energy they spent during this period.

And even if they broke through, their strength was the worst. Even Xiao Yu, who hadn't broken through for a long time, could beat four. This was the best proof.

Although the Xiao family is only the overlord on the first-class planet, thinking of the combat power of Xiao Rulong, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Chen, it might become stronger in the future.

Moreover, by becoming an offering and making enough contributions, perhaps they can also practice the profound meaning, which is a good way compared to the second option.

And when they all add up, it's not a weak force.

Xiao Rulong looked at Xiao Chen, feeling a little touched in his heart. He could imagine that if these six saints joined the Xiao family, their Xiao family's strength would be greatly enhanced, and even no less than the influential forces of the second-level planet.

"Have you chosen?"

"What if we don't want to be worshipped by the Xiao family?" Cheng suddenly asked.

Xiao Chen glanced at Cheng Suoran, the Lei Ben appeared in his hand, and it slashed at the back mountain, and then a black thunder fell on the back mountain with the momentum of the thunder.

The next moment, the whole back mountain heard a shaking sound, and most of the back mountain was blown up by black thunder.

Wei Guangliang and the others looked at the back mountain, and their eyes flashed with astonishment. Xiao Rulong did the same. After reacting, he cursed at Xiao Chen: "Smelly boy, there is my retreat, you just ruined it! "

"Mistakes and mistakes." Xiao Chen smiled awkwardly, but in his heart he was very satisfied with a sword beating thunder. Not only did he have the speed to be thunder, but also his power was extraordinary.

"That's my retreat. Do you know how much energy I spent? The defensive formation there is impossible to break with a single move even in the middle of the saint's stage, but you can do it well, and one sword will completely ruin it." Xiao Rulong complained. .

When hearing Xiao Rulong's voice, everyone was shocked again.

"First do business!" Xiao Chen pretended not to see the complaint in Xiao Rulong's eyes, with a serious expression, and then looked at the saints and said: "You have also seen it. If you are confident that you can leave the hands of the three of us, you can try Give it a try, but you are all smart, and smart people should make smart choices."

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