Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 216: Definitely kill you!

"Hahaha, a school that doesn't even have a **** of war, is it worthy of this girl to join?" Xia Ruoxi almost laughed, her laughter filled with disdain.

"Little girl, you are still too young to know how powerful the Valkyrie powerhouse is. The outside world is even more exciting. Join my blood bat gate to ensure that you can reach a higher realm." Liu Ba continued to persuade.

"This girl squirted you to death with a mouthful of salt and water, saying that I am short-sighted, and tell you that this girl has seen the strong Valkyrie. Believe it or not, this girl will summon a strong Valkyrie to destroy you." Xia Ruoxi sneered. .

"I don't believe it." Liu Ba chuckled.

"Since you don't believe it, then forget it. I originally wanted you to see the style of the Martial God expert before you die. Now I can only let you die with regret." Xia Ruoxi said with regret, and then she will be by her side. Xiao Chen pulled over and said in a charming voice: "Husband, he bullied me and killed him for me."

Although the husband called Xiao Chen very comfortable, he looked at Xia Ruoxi with a dazed expression. He is the Martial King. Let him kill a Martial King powerhouse. How trusting him!

Chu Xingteng and Duan Xinghai were also confused.

The same is true for Liu Ba, a martial emperor.


Suddenly, the ups and downs of ridicule sounded crazily. This is like a small man competing with a 1.8-meter tall man in basketball. How could this win?

"Little girl, you let a Martial King realm trash kill me, are you sure you are not kidding?" Liu Ba asked Xia Ruoxi with a grin, his face full of abuse.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the Goddess of Tides in the special quest Goddess System. Will you accept it?"

"Take it!"

Xiao Chen thought.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for accepting the quest of "Goddess of Tides" and rewards for completing the quest: The goddess of the tides Xia Ruoxi has a good impression on players.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the Tidal Goddess Quest 1: Destroy the Blood Bat Gate branch. Will you accept it?"

Task name: Destroy the blood bat gate branch

Task level: level b

Task reward: damage whip

Task description: Kill all the thirty-thirds of the blood bat gate enemies.

"Take!" Listening to the system prompt, Xiao Chen looked calm. The Blood Bat Gate is Xia Ruoxi's enemy. Even if the mission is not triggered, he will take action.

Xia Ruoxi smiled and said: "This girl's husband can definitely kill you!"

The tone was full of confidence.

"Hahaha, a trash from the Martial King realm wants to kill our altar master. It's really a fantasy. I can kill him by anyone at the Blood Bat Gate!"

"The trash of King Martial Realm, my Blood Bat Sect does not bother to recruit!"

The blood bats were all mocking, even the Wu Zun powerhouse behind Chu Xingteng looked at both Xiao Chen strangely.

"Wu Wang strong is rubbish, then Wu Zun?" Xiao Chen suddenly smiled.

"Wu Zun? It's just a slightly stronger ant." Liu Ba sneered.

"I see." Xiao Chen nodded and said something extremely inexplicable.

"What the **** is this kid? A martial king-level **** is so calm when facing me. What's the matter with his calm and calm reaction? Look at his appearance, not like a disguise. Does he really have the strength of Wuzun? ?"

However, no matter how he checked, Xiao Chen's breath was only King Wu.

"You said King Wu is rubbish, and Wu Zun is an ant."

Zhao slowly raised his right arm.

"What do you think of this?"


The corners of Zhao Fang's lips raised slightly, and he let out a deep cry in his heart, "Raise the blood of the evil!"


In an instant, a true power vortex was formed with Xiao Chen's body as the center, and powerful true power fluctuations gushing out of Xiao Chen's body.

at the same time.

Xiao Chen's aura was also in Liu Ba, under everyone's dumbfoundedness, rising in an incredible way.

Seventh King Wu!

First Wu Zun!

Five Wuzun!

Nine Wuzun!

Having reached the peak of the Nine-Layered Wuzun, this rising momentum only slightly stopped.


Just when everyone wiped away the cold sweat on their foreheads, thinking it was over.

"Unparalleled Battle Spirit, open!"

A ‘boom’ sounded like thunder in Xiao Chen’s body.

His breath rose again, and instantly broke through the peak of the nine-fold Wu Zun, reaching the breath of Wu Zong.

"Upgraded from Wu Wang 6th to Wuzong 2nd?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"Is he a man or a ghost?"

All the eyes that saw Xiao Chen were horrified and unbelievable.

Even Liu Ba, the martial emperor, was stunned, and he didn't slow down for a long time.

With their years of cultivation experience and knowledge, they have never encountered such a situation.

Chu Xingteng Duan Xinghai was even more dumbfounded, and the many Wuzun experts in the Blood Bat Gate were also dumbfounded. They were obviously just **** in the realm of King Martial Arts. This instant surpassed them. This strong contrast made them feel as if they were dreaming. general.

Xia Ruoxi and Duanmu Qinghan looked at Xiao Chen, with brilliant eyesight.

"You, are you a man or a ghost?"

Liu Ba took a deep look at Xiao Chen, and the shock in his eyes had not dissipated for a long time. Although Wu Zong was still not in his eyes, even he had never seen this method of improving strength.

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