Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2138: Tu Sheng!

"You don't have this chance!" Xiao Chen said indifferently. He is so close, he can naturally feel the terrifying power of the blue dragon, and with the current state of the Qing Emperor, he can't take it!

"Uranus: Cross seal, solve!"

Xiao Chen let out a loud roar, and then he volleyed his left hand towards Nie Yang, and a creamy white cross mark appeared on his left hand, and this cross mark rushed into Nie Yang's body at a very fast speed.

The next moment, Nie Yang looked at Xiao Chen dumbfounded, and at this time he still maintained the posture of performing moves, but the Canglong head was gone.

And he didn't even breathe anymore.

Jin Hongfeng, who was trapped by Mu Yun, felt the breath of the blue dragon, and his face was shocked, "The blue dragon was born, to deal with a semi-sage strong, you actually used the blue dragon to be born, what are you doing, Nie Yang?"

Just when he was puzzled, the breath of the blue dragon suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, which made him fall into doubt again.

"How is it possible that the sacred power in my body has been sealed, what have you done?" Nie Yang looked at Xiao Chen and asked in disbelief.

"The dead don't need to know so much!" Xiao Chen walked towards Nie Yang indifferently, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Although I don't know how you did it, you can only seal the time of my five breaths. Can you kill me within five breaths?" Nie Yang sneered, although now he has no holy power in his body. But he is still the body of a saint, Xiao Chen wants to kill him, undoubtedly it is a foolish dream!

"Five breath time, enough to kill you!" Xiao Chen said sonorously and powerfully.

"Huh! I want to see how you kill me?" Nie Yang sneered. The Qing Emperor was seriously injured. It is absolutely impossible to recover from the time of five breaths. After five breaths, he belongs to his world. He must kill the two of them. , Can only be ashamed.

"Then open your eyes and watch!" Xiao Chen faintly raised his right hand. The next moment, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and then from his right hand, a purple thunder surged out, gradually condensing into a thunder spear above Nie Yang's head. .

Along with the appearance of the Thunder Spear, a terrifying pressure came from the entire starry sky, and a crackling thunder sound came from the Thunder Spear, and an aura of destruction spread throughout the starry sky.

Nie Yang looked at the thunder spear above his head. After feeling the horror, his face changed drastically and his eyelids jumped wildly.

"How is this possible? How could you perform such terrifying moves!" Nie Yang roared, with a look of horror in his heart. He felt a threat to his life from the thunder gun. If he was in his heyday, he might be able to perform it. Various means blocked it, but he couldn't use Holy Power at all now, and he didn't even have a chance to escape.

"World Destroying Thunder Spear, drop!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent like a knife, and his voice didn't carry any warmth.

With the power of destroying the world, the Thunder Spear instantly swallowed Nie Yang, and then Nie Yang turned to ashes in front of Xiao Chen and Qingdi, leaving nothing.

Xiao Chen looked cold, but he was shocked in his heart: "Unexpectedly, the World Extinguishing Thunder Spear is so powerful that it can even kill the saint in the later stage. If Qing Xuan took the shot himself, how strong it would be!"

The World Extinguishing Spear was a gift from Mu Qingxuan to Xiao Chen, but although the Extinguishing World Thunder Spear was powerful, Xiao Chen could use it three times in total.

But it was worth it to kill Nie Yang directly.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in my mind.

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