Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2127: Destroy the world thunder gun!

Hearing that, Xiao Chen was also full of shock. The Black Dragon clan were born saints, and even their power of the clan was unable to win Kui Niu, which was enough to show that Kui Niu was powerful and even completely surpassed his cognition.

"Hei Xiao, since you know the origin of this emperor so well, this emperor really wants to know, who gave you the courage to make you betray the emperor?"

The Black Emperor looked at the Black Owl and said gloomily.

"Master Xiao Chen...!" Hei Xiao suddenly spoke to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was startled, and then looked at the Black Emperor, World Projection shot out, Xiao Chen, Black Emperor, Black Owl, and Qing Emperor all appeared on an uninhabited planet in the Celestial Star Region.

The Hei Di glanced around and didn't care. He just looked at Hei Xiao. Suddenly at this moment, there was a sound of thunder in the distance, and then a figure, wearing a thunder armor, holding a thunder spear, stepped on the thunder.

The Black Emperor looked at the incoming person, as if seeing something terrifying, a chill spread from the depths of his soul, making the Black Emperor tremble all over.

"It's you! Impossible, how could you be here!" The Black Emperor pointed at the incoming person, his face was full of fear and trembling.

"Sir!" Hei Xiao said respectfully, looking at the incoming person.

"Qingxuan?" Xiao Chen looked at the visitor, who was exactly Mu Qingxuan!

Mu Qingxuan did not speak, but suddenly there was a lot of purple thunder power all over her body, and then the whole planet was filled with thunder, a terrifying pressure fell, and a purple thunder spear appeared on the black emperor’s head, exuding destruction. The breath of heaven and earth.

"World Destroying Thunder Gun!"

Hei Di and Hei Xiao said at the same time, their voices were trembling, not only the voice was trembling, but the whole body was trembling.

"What a terrifying pressure, this pressure definitely exceeds the pressure of a saint!" Mu Yun appeared not far from the planet, looking at Mu Qingxuan in the thunder, with a look of shock in his eyes.

"Disciple ah Disciple, what is the origin of your daughters-in-law? By virtue of their sub-sage cultivation, they already have the pressure of the saints, and this thunder spear feels unacceptable for the teacher. I think that if you break through to a saint, you can better help you. It seems that the strength of a teacher is still too low!

Mu Yun said with emotion, with a complex color in his eyes.

"There is no living mouth under the Thunder Spear, Kui Niu, you have great blood in your body, you have endless potential, surrender to me, and you can live!"

Mu Qingxuan looked at Kui Niu indifferently.

"You really are that?" Kuiniu asked in disbelief.

"No, you don't need to know so much." Mu Qingxuan said indifferently.

"My ancestors can't survive under the World Extinguishing Lightning Spear, even more impossible for me. I am willing to surrender to you." The Black Emperor knelt on the ground with a thud!

"Restore the body!" Mu Qingxuan said indifferently.

"Yes!" Hei Di said, the voice fell, and the Hei Di transformed into an ordinary blue bull and came to Mu Qingxuan's side and leaned on his feet.

Mu Qingxuan came to Xiao Chen and said, "I know you have a lot of questions now, but now is not the time for you to know these."

When Xiao Chen looked at Mu Qingxuan, he did have a lot of doubts in his heart, especially the dialogue between Hei Di and Mu Qingxuan, as if Mu Qingxuan was the mysterious powerhouse who suppressed Kui Niu's ancestor.

Could it be that Mu Qingxuan is also a mysterious strong rebirth?

Xiao Chen felt that as his cultivation level got higher and higher, the origins of both Tian Xing'er and the ten deputy suzerains became more and more mysterious.

"Okay, I won't ask!" Xiao Chen smiled. He knew that even if he asked, Mu Qingxuan would not say it, but would only increase his troubles, so it was better not to ask at all.

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