Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2124: Hei Di made it himself!

The Black Emperor looked at this scene, his face was dark, and he said gloomy: "This Emperor has no time to waste with you, go together."

The voice fell, two more people walked out behind him, and directly attacked Xiao Chen.

"Boss, do you need help?" Qingdi asked.

"No need!" Xiao Chen said lightly. Although the Holy Power cannot be used, the Chaos Domain can still be opened. Within the domain, the speed of the three evil demons outside the domain has been slowed down. Xiao Chen beats three with one, not falling below.

With the blessing of the God of War suit, Xiao Chen became more and more courageous as he fought, and his strength became stronger and stronger. Soon, three extraterritorial evil spirits fell below.

"Time is almost here!" Xiao Chen felt the strength in his body and looked at Huang Jian, his eyes flashed cold. The next moment, he shrank into an inch and started, Xiao Chen appeared behind Huang Jian, Hundred Cracking Beast fists directly at his head. Hello up.


But what surprised Xiao Chen was that Hundred Cracking Beast Fist could not solve the wasteful situation, and just knocked it out.

Huang Jian shook his dizzy head, looked at Xiao Chen, and felt a little shocked in his heart. His body is the ancient magic rhinoceros, and his head is the hardest part. If someone else is replaced, he doesn't believe he can take over Xiao Chen's. Punch.

"You two, be careful, this human being is weird!" Huang Jian said solemnly, and the other two also stared at Xiao Chen solemnly.

"It seems that if you don't show some real skills, you won't be able to beat you!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, the expressions of the three people changed.

"Bloodline supernatural powers! The power of the demon saint rises, seventy-two changes, rise!" Xiao Chen shouted in his heart. The power of the demon saint directly acts on the flesh and will not be suppressed at all. Xiao Chen transformed into a giant chimpanzee, yes. Photographed directly with Huang Jian.

Boom boom boom!

Xiao Chen kept taking pictures, the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and the big trees broke down one by one, and the three of Huanghu were directly shot flying by the huge force. Watching this scene, one by one was shocked.

"how is this possible!"

Looking at the three exterritorial demons who had been abused, everyone showed surprise on their faces.

Those extraterritorial evil spirits looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief. They felt that Xiao Chen and Huang Jian were fighting like an adult and a child.

"Damn it!" Huang Jian roared and instantly turned into a huge rhino. The other two extraterritorial demons also roared and turned into two behemoths. At this moment, their defenses were much stronger than those of humans. .

The four behemoths started the most primitive battle in the jungle, and the horrible collision shocked people's hearts. Even the two saints showed surprise.

"Is he really a human?" Feng Xiaoyao and Mu Wuji looked at each other, their eyes full of horror.

"Sure enough, he is still so strong." Wang Kun glanced at Xiao Chen, his eyes calm.

"You all retreat!" At this moment, the Black Emperor's somewhat gloomy voice rang.

Hearing that, Huang Jian and them turned into human beings, hiding away in an instant, looking at Xiao Chen with solemn eyes.

"I didn't expect that you, a human being, could have such strength. It seems that you must be killed first, and the Emperor Qing must be killed." The Black Emperor looked at Xiao Chen and said lightly.

"Want to kill me? Do you have the qualifications?" Xiao Chen sneered at the Black Emperor.

"Human, this emperor admits that your physical strength is very strong, but when it is strong, it is impossible to be the opponent of this emperor!" The Black Emperor said lightly, and the voice fell, and a roar came from the Black Emperor's throat. The next moment, a tense The violent aura spread, and the Black Emperor turned into a fierce beast that looked like a cow or not, and appeared in the sight of everyone.

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