Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2113: Mu Yun puzzled!

"Is this where the roots of the sacred tree are? Each of these big trees is a root. It is hard to imagine how huge the roots of the sacred tree are."

"But there don't seem to be many living creatures here?" Xiao Chen perceives the surroundings, except for the towering trees, there are few other creatures' auras, and then he looks at Pengkong and asks suspiciously.

"My lord, this forest is not far from the battlefield of Fragmented Realm, and it is a very peculiar place, because there is a mysterious pressure here, which can suppress the holy power in the body, and can only use physical power. In addition, the big trees here Very tough, even if I can't interrupt a tree, coming here is like coming to a mortal kingdom, so no matter whether it is buried in the gods or semi-sacred realms, almost no one comes here."

Peng Kong explained.

"It's probably because of the sacred tree." Xiao Chen looked at the surrounding big trees in surprise, and then came to a big tree. The Upright Hundred Cracked Beast punches directly. The next moment, a loud noise came, the whole The big tree broke down.

Xiao Chen looked at Pengkong with a weird look. The meaning was obvious. Didn't you mean to fight constantly?

Peng Kong was also hooded, and then he came to a big tree and threw a punch, but the big tree just shook and didn't mean to fall down.

"Adults are really gods and people." Peng Kong looked at Xiao Chen, full of admiration.

Xiao Chen's expression was a little dazed, he was about the same strength as Pengkong, and he could see that Pengkong was punching with all his strength, but why Pengkong could not interrupt, but he directly interrupted the tree with a punch.

"Actually, this is easy to understand." Mu Yun appeared beside Xiao Chen, and said lightly: "The mother tree is a powerful person surpassing the saints. Even the roots of ordinary trees have profound powers, and only the profound powers can interrupt them. Even if Sora is strong, without profound power, he cannot interrupt these big trees."

"Only power can interrupt it?" Pengkong murmured, then looked at Xiao Chen, with a shocked expression on his face: "Could it be that your master has mastered the power of the secret, no wonder your strength is so strong."

"Xiao Chen, you probably remembered what the key to sanctification was before as a teacher, right?" Mu Yun asked.

"Tui'er remembers that Master said that after the inner world reaches a certain level, he can become a saint by expelling the inner world from his body." Xiao Chen said, in fact, he has always had a doubt in his heart. There is no relationship between the god's cultivation and the saint. How could she know so much, but after meeting the mother tree, he also guessed the reason.

"I think you guessed it too. Yes, this information has been rooted in the mind of the teacher after he has the wisdom for the teacher, and all of this information is directly carved into the mind of the child tree by the mother tree, for that Let these news let more people know."

Mu Yun said softly.

"Master, how far does the inner world need to be to become a saint?" Xiao Chen asked.

"After getting the inheritance of the mother tree, the teacher also got a lot of Xinmi. I will take this opportunity to talk to you in detail."

Mu Yun whispered, whether Xiao Chen or Peng Kong listened attentively.

"In the Holy Realm, there is a kind of power between the heavens and the earth called the origin of the holy. This kind of power is the real holy power, and in the semi-sacred realm, the holy power we have is not called holy power, but has a trace of holy power. Mighty pseudo-sacred power."

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