Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 211: Refining level six inscriptions!

Duan Xinghai was stunned on the spot, even Chu Xingteng was the same, his face was dull.

"Little girl, lying is not a good boy, how could you be a sixth-level inscriber?" At this moment, an old man called out directly, his face was full of disbelief. You must know that he is about the same age as Duan Xinghai, both over half years old. Hundreds of people are only an eighth-level inscriber, and the seven-year-old girl in front of her is already a sixth-level inscriber, and she has only studied for a month. How is this possible? How could anyone believe it?

"I didn't lie, I just used the sixth-level inscriptions that I personally refined to destroy the murderer Sun Daneng who killed my elder brother and the gang of beggars who destroyed my Yan family." Tianyue'e defended, there was a trace of hostility on her little face. Pride, obviously being able to avenge himself personally, Tian Yueer felt very proud.

"Eh?" The three elders choked directly, and Duan Xinghai's expression changed. It turned out that Sun Daneng was the enemy of the little girl who killed her brother. Then he was damned, but it was a pity that several Wuzun elders.

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Duan Xinghai was very entangled. The little girl's expression was very serious. She said she was lying, but she didn't look like it. Say it wasn't a lie. A seven-year-old girl became a sixth grade after studying for a month. Inscriber, this is also unlikely.

After a long while, Duan Xinghai gritted his teeth, got up and walked towards a secret cell in the secret room, and took out a lot of inscription materials from it, which were all six-level inscription materials he had accumulated for many years.

"Little girl, here are all six-level inscription materials. Can you make a sixth-level inscription?" Duan Xinghai asked tremblingly. He has been at level seven for a long time. If you can see the sixth-level inscription with your own eyes Production, maybe he can break through to the sixth-level inscriber in one fell swoop, no matter whether the little girl in front of him is true or not, he wants to give it a try.

"Okay." Yue'er looked very happy. Xiao Chen took the inscription materials in Duan Xinghai's hand first and said: "I have never seen such advanced inscription materials, can I take a look?"

With that said, Xiao Chen had already placed the inscription materials on the table and carefully checked.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Chen was indeed carefully examining the materials, but in fact, when Xiao Chen touched the materials with his hands, his thoughts appeared directly in the system warehouse, and he took it out immediately after hearing a beep from the system.

The whole movement is very fast, and the system is also very powerful. Soon, the system sounded a reminder.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for completing the battle pet mission for the collection of Level 6 inscription materials!"

Xiao Chen was overjoyed and said to Tian Yue'er: "Yue'er, let's start."


With that said, Xiao Chen hugged Tian Yue'er on the stage, and then Yue'er's expression became very serious, and at the same time a majestic soul power sprayed out. The powerful soul power made Duan Xinghai and the other two old men Amazed.

Feeling this majestic soul power, Duan Xinghai's eyes appeared excited, such a powerful soul power might really be able to refine the sixth-level inscription.

The three of them stared at Tian Yueer's movements without blinking.

Those inscription materials are like a toy in her hand under the operation of Tian Yueer's powerful soul power, let her operate.

Five minutes later, the powerful soul power disappeared, and a six-level thunder falling inscription appeared in Tian Yue'er's hands.

Duan Xinghai tremblingly took the inscription, tears flickering in his old eyes, and his voice trembled because of excitement: "I didn't expect that Duan Xinghai could personally witness the production of the sixth-level inscription. Even if I die, I can look down."

"What a miracle!" So did the other two old men.

"Little girl, how did you do it?" Duan Xinghai asked tremblingly while looking at Tian Yue'er.

"Grandpa wants to learn?" Tian Yueer asked with her innocent big eyes.

"Yeah." Duan Xinghai nodded, looking very serious on his slightly old face.

"I teach you." Tian Yueer said crisply.

"it is good."

Then, the three old and one small exchanged their knowledge of inscriptions. Tianyue'er taught Duan Xinghai and the others the knowledge they learned in the inscription space without any reservation. Duan Xinghai and the others also studied very seriously, as if they were obedient. Same as students.

In such a situation, they laughed blankly when they saw Xiao Chen.

But they didn't bother, and found a place to sit quietly.

"I saw Master Xiao Chen in Xiashanhe County Princess Chu Xingteng." Chu Xingteng suddenly came to Xiao Chen's side and bowed slightly respectfully.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen looked at Chu Xingteng in amazement, my lord? What the **** is this.

"He called so, you should just answer it." Xia Ruoxi said.

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded.

"I didn't know the status of an adult before, and I hope that the adults don't blame it." Chu Xingteng continued, with a very low attitude.

Although Xiao Chen was a little strange about Chu Xingteng's attitude, he didn't care. He just smiled and said, "How can I blame you? I thank you for it's too late.

! "

"Um?" Chu Xingteng smiled awkwardly. He thought Xiao Chen was saying something ironic. How could he know that his Golden Guards had become Xiao Chen's upgraded experience.

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