Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2108: Pengkong exposed!

"What!" After hearing this, the other sect masters all looked at Chi Feiyang, and Mu Wan and Dongfang Xian also looked at Chi Feiyang weirdly. Why didn't they know that their man and Chi Feiyang were brothers?

But that's okay, with the Chijin Saint Sect, I believe that Thunder Saint Sect will not fight against the three Saint Sects, and the battle should be impossible.

Lei Xie looked at Chi Feiyang with an ugly expression. He didn't expect Chi Feiyang to intervene, but if he flinched, where would he put his face? But if he does it, he is not an opponent of Sanzong.

"Well, we got together to discuss the selection of people to go to the battlefield of the broken world, not for infighting, so don't care about this incident." At this moment, a gray-haired, rickety body, but a face The kind old man walked out.

"For the face of Senior Bai Xu, I won't care about you three this time." Lei Xie coldly snorted, then looked at Xiao Chen with an undisguised killing intent in his eyes: "Boy, count you this time. Good luck, but I want to see how long they can protect you."

Xiao Chen glanced at Lei Xie and ignored him. He just looked at Bai Xu faintly. He could feel the strong aura of Holy Light from Bai Xu, which was very similar to the aura of Ke'er. I'm afraid this Bai Xu is the Holy Light. Sovereign of the Holy Sect.

"This little friend's cultivation base can smash the right arm of the same level of Leihua with a punch. It seems that your physical body is very strong." Bai Xu smiled at Leixie, then looked at Xiao Chen and said lightly. The reason Lei Hua was injured has already been learned from his disciples.

"Senior has the eyes of a torch, and this junior has indeed practiced the technique of refining the body." Xiao Chen said lightly, arching his hands.

"Most of those extraterritorial demons are physically powerful. Few of our human races can cultivate to such an extent. Is it because the little friend is extraterritorial demons?" Bai Xu said with a smile.

"Naturally, I am not an extraterritorial evil demon." Xiao Chen looked at Bai Xu, his eyes flashed with thought, and said lightly.

"I also believe that my little friend is not an extraterritorial evil demon, but this one next to you should be an extraterritorial evil demon, and if I am not mistaken, this one should be a well-known strong man of extraterritorial evil demon, Pengkong."

Bai Xu said lightly, and then turned around, looking at Pengkong, his face was already full of cold.

"Peng Kong!"

Hearing that, some Saint Sect powerhouses' complexions changed drastically, and then stared at Pengkong, while some powerhouses looked confused.

"Not good." Mu Wan and Dongfangxian looked at each other, panic flashed in their eyes, Bai Xu had been to the Battlefield of Broken World, perhaps he really knew Pengkong.

"It's really Pengkong!" Those powerhouses who have been to the Broken Realm battlefield looked at Pengkong with killing intent in their eyes. They would never have thought that the evil demon from outside the realm would appear in the semi-sacred realm. If it weren't for Bai Xu to remind them Will not pay attention at all.

After Peng Kong was recognized, he frowned slightly, and then looked at Xiao Chen.

"Does senior know my friend?" Xiao Chen looked at Bai Xu faintly.

"Of course, Pengkong is a well-known powerhouse for the evil demons outside the territory, but many strongmen in my Saint Sect Alliance died in his hands. The Saint Sect Alliance wanted to kill him for a long time, but I didn't expect him to appear here."

Bai Xu said lightly, but the gaze looking at Pengkong was full of hatred and killing intent. Not only him, but other powerful men also stood up and stared at Pengkong coldly.

"It turned out to be like this." Xiao Chen was a little startled, and then said lightly: "But he is no longer an extraterritorial evil spirit. He has surrendered to me. Now he is my person. You can rest assured."

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