Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1994: Head-to-head!

As the sound rang, then one after another demon wolves appeared in the cave. When these demon wolves saw them, they gave a low growl and bit them.

"Set up the formation, kill it!" Qiao Mingyue shouted, and then Qiao Mingyue and Zhou Meili cut out a flame blade at the same time, cutting out several demon wolves, and the rest of them simultaneously supported a huge flame defense. Cover, blocking the attack of the demon wolf.

As they attacked, they began to withdraw towards the entrance of the cave.

Most of the demon wolves were attacking them, but there were also a few demon wolves running towards Xiao Chen.

"You go to your mother first." Xiao Chen glanced at a few wolf pups, waved his hand, all appeared in the Celestial Star Territory, and then stared at the demon wolf that came over.

Xiao Chen's fists were glowing with blue light, and he looked at a demon wolf from the reborn realm who was leaping towards him. Without any hesitation, he still made a simple and rude punch, hitting the demon wolf's head, and instantly smashed it into the air. on the ground.

"Unexpectedly, the power of the demon saint is attached to the fist, and it has such a great power." Xiao Chen looked at the demon wolf lying on the ground, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He just used a normal punch and knocked one The demon wolf of the reborn stage was shot to death. If this punch was hit on an ordinary strong person in the reborn stage, even a senior strong person in the reborn stage would not feel comfortable.

At this moment, several other demon wolves also attacked. Xiao Chen felt the strength on his body without any hesitation, and smashed out with a punch.

Bang bang bang!

Xiao Chen stepped on the Seven Star Wing, and his speed was not weaker than that of the demon wolf. A dozen punches all hit a quasi-sage-level demon wolf, and the demon wolf wailed, completely losing his breath.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for beheading the demon wolf and gaining 500 million demon saint value!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Demon Stone Fragment!"

The system prompt sounded in my mind, the demon saint value, like the original value of the nether value, is a numerical value, which can be converted at will.

"What is this demon stone fragment?"

"One hundred demon stone fragments can be combined into a demon stone, the demon stone can exude the power of the demon saint, and the host can open up a place specializing in the power of the demon saint in the Celestial Star Domain."

"Open up a place to specialize in the power of the demon saint?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, and then asked: "Do you want me to train a strong fighter?"

"That's what it means."

Hearing that, thought flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, and then glanced at the demon wolf. These demon wolves cultivate the power of the demon saint, which has a strong enhancement to the physical body, and may be able to cultivate a close and invincible warrior team.

Xiao Chen raised his head, only to find that there was no demon wolf in the cave, and Qiao Mingyue and the others were gone.

A little bit by Xiao Chen's feet, he quickly walked out of the cave. At the entrance of the cave, Xiao Chen saw Qiao Mingyue and his party. At this time, they stayed where they were, their faces were full of despair.

In the valley, there have been patches of demon wolves. The front is at the level of the reborn, all on the mountainside are of the quasi-sage level, and the higher the level, the stronger the aura of the demon wolf, and there are even several quasi-sage peak-level. Demon wolf.

The level of strength is clear, and this is not the most important thing. In addition to the strength, the number is even more frightening. At first glance, you can't see the head at all, but there are at least tens of thousands of them based on their breath alone.

"We are over." Qiao Mingyue looked at the demon wolf with at least tens of thousands around her with a dry mouth.

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