Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1982: The city lord who was beaten up!

"Huh, it's a mere trash that is born out of the womb, you really think you have some ability, so you can yell at me?"

A gloom flashed in Zhao Yuqi's eyes, he was already angered by Xiao Chen, and his killing intent became even stronger!

"But it's only half holy and one heavy."

Xiao Chen said disdainfully, a trace of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You are really looking for death!" Zhao Yuqi said coldly, the voice fell, and just about to do something to Xiao Chen, suddenly a dark scene appeared, surrounding everyone.

Zhao Yuqi was startled, a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes. He felt that he could not use the power of the domain. At the moment when he was astonished, Xiao Chen had already moved, still simple and rough, punches and kicks had fallen on Zhao Yuqi.

Zhao Yuqi and Lei Sifang’s cultivation bases are much worse, and his major is the ice attribute, so he can't hide from Xiao Chen's attack. In addition, he missed the opportunity to attack first, and Xiao Chen was beaten by Xiao Chen without the strength to fight back. .

The strong people in the city lord’s mansion in the black mist looked at the black mist in front of them. They didn't know what was happening. At this moment, they suddenly felt a violent aura coming from the black mist, followed by Zhao Yuqi's angry voice. .

"What's the matter, how could the city lord be so angry?"

"How do I know what these black mists are? It seems that I can't find the head at all."

"Well, the black mist has disappeared. Look, what is that!"

Suddenly someone said in surprise, and then all the strong people in the City Lord's Mansion, including those in the periphery, opened their eyes wide, and then rubbed their eyes vigorously, as if he had heard.

Not far away, not far from Xiao Chen's feet, there was a figure lying, it was Zhao Yuqi, but at this time Zhao Yuqi had a blue nose and a swollen face, his body was scattered, and his white clothes were already full of various footprints.

"Is this really the city lord?"

"What happened in a short time, how could the city lord be like this?"

"Could it be that this kid was beaten like this, how is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked, their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Semi-holy strong, is it really strong?" Xiao Chen looked at Zhao Yuqi and said lightly.

Zhao Yuqi stared at Xiao Chen without anger. Instead, he said in disbelief: "How is it possible, what did you do? Why did my power disappear?"

"Why should I tell a dying person?" Xiao Chen asked back.

Hearing this, Zhao Yuqi was taken aback, and then asked: "Do you want to kill me?"

"When you started with me, didn't you have a bit of dead consciousness?" Xiao Chen asked.

"We belong to the Saint Sect of Frost, do you dare to do something with us?" Zhao Yuqi asked rhetorically.

"Why don't you dare, aren't the people in the Saint Sect Alliance anymore?" Xiao Chen sneered.

"If you kill us, the Saint Sect Alliance will not let you go, no matter where you go, the Saint Sect Alliance will chase you down!" Zhao Yuqi roared Li Neilun.

"Your Saint Sect Alliance has issued a red wanted order against me. Anyway, I am already an enemy of the Saint Sect Alliance, and I don't care about killing a few more people." Xiao Chen sneered, flipping his palm, and the long sword appeared in his hand.

Seeing the killing intent flashing in Xiao Chen's eyes, Zhao Yuqi's eyes flashed with terror. He felt that Xiao Chen did not look like a lie, but really dared to kill him.

"You come to protect me, I'm dead, you can't run away." Zhao Yuqi hurriedly shouted, and at the same time, his body kept retreating. Hearing Zhao Yuqi's voice, those strong men in the City Lord's Mansion finally reacted, and instantly blocked Zhao Yuqi .

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