Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1977: The big thing is bad!

Hearing that, all the strong have a weird face, and Zhan Hu was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I am so ridiculous, Zhao Long, that stinky guy, is so awkward to die. So happy!"

"Zhan Hu, have you laughed enough!" Zhao Yuqi said gloomily.

"Hahaha, let me laugh, you are busy, you are busy." Zhan Hu held his belly away from Xiao Chen, but the sound of laughter was very harsh in Zhao Yuqi's ears, filling his heart with infinity Killing intent.

However, Zhan Hu's status is extraordinary, even he dare not do anything to Zhan Hu, he can only transfer all his anger and killing intent to Xiao Chen.

"Boy, killed my son, dare to come to Hanli City, dare to stay here, I have to say, you are really crazy." Zhao Yuqi stared at Xiao Chen, eyes full of hideous chill.

"He wanted to kill me, but I killed him. I can only say that he is inferior to humans, but he still has to be strong, and he can't blame others when he dies." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Hmph, call out that woman and Tongtian Ape, you must die today!" Zhao Yuqi said coldly.

"If you want to kill us, just do it, why do you talk so much nonsense." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Hmph, you are really looking for death!" Zhao Yuqi's face was gloomy.

"Father, a mere born-out strong man, don't need to be so angry, I will cut off his head now!" One of Zhao Yuqi's sons stood up and said.

"Yeah, father, a mere trash in a state of birth, dare to kill my brother, I will crush his bones." Zhao Yuqi's other son also stood up.

The two youths are both quasi-sage intermediate-level cultivation bases, which are higher than those quasi-sage powerhouses Xiao Chen encountered in the Ziyang area.

"Okay, then you two will go and take him down, but don't kill him easily, understand?" Zhao Yuqi said.

"Yes, father!"

The two said at the same time, then turned around and came into the air, staring at Xiao Chen coldly, "Boy, get out and die!"

"Only you two rubbish?" Xiao Chen took a step forward, disdainfully said.

As soon as these words came out, the two of them were furious, staring at Xiao Chen's gaze, full of murderous intent.

"Who is this kid, who dares to provoke the quasi-sacred realm powerhouse like this."

"I don't know how to live or die, it will only make a profit in the end, and it will only die faster!"

The powerful people around all looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer. They knew that as long as the two of them worked, Xiao Chen would definitely die. Almost everyone had this thought, only Zhao Yuqing looked at Xiao Chen suspiciously. She didn't believe that Xiao Chen dared to come to Hanli City, just to show off his prestige.

"This person is...!" Wang Guan, who was following Zhao Yuqi, saw Xiao Chen's face, a look of horror flashed on his face, and then hurriedly said to Zhao Yuqi: "City Lord, the big thing is not good!"

"Guardian Wang, what kind of style are you yelling at?" Zhao Yuqi looked at Guanshi Wang with some dissatisfaction. Guanshi Wang is also an old steward of the City Lord's Mansion. He is usually very stable. At this time, in front of the strong man who is almost full of the city, The bluffing, simply lost the face of the City Lord's Mansion.

Guan Shi saw that Zhao Yuqi was a little dissatisfied. Although he was a little scared, he couldn't manage that much anymore. He said in a panic, "City Lord, the big thing is not good."

"You shut up, there is something the kid is talking about waiting for the takeover." Zhao Yuqi reprimanded.

"But, City Lord...!" Guanshi Wang continued.

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