Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1975: Corpse fragments!

For the Golden Wanted Order, the target of the reward is the semi-holy strong, and although he is also a semi-holy, but it hasn’t been long since he broke through, and compared with the real semi-holy, he is much worse, even if he meets the target, He can only hide far away.

"City Lord, this time the wanted order is a bit weird, the city lord should take a look at it first." The steward said.

"Weird? What can be weird, besides, the people on the golden wanted order are fierce people. Even if it is me, I don't dare to easily provoke them. Leave these things to the troubles above. I am going to avenge Longer now." Zhao Yuqi Tao.

"But the city lord..." The manager just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhao Yuqi.

"Pharaoh, you are also a veteran in the city lord's mansion, why are there no rules at all." Zhao Yuqi frowned.

Seeing Zhao Yuqi frown, Guan Shi was afraid to say more.

Soon, the powerhouses of the City Lord’s Mansion gathered together. There were thousands of people. Some of them were the powerhouses of the Frost Saint Sect, and there were also powerhouses convened by the City Lord Mansion. Standing at the forefront were the five sons of Zhao Yuqi. Standing behind them was the Keqing from the City Lord's Mansion, each of whom was a quasi-sacred realm powerhouse.

With a wave of Zhao Yuqi's big hand, many powerful men walked out of the city lord's mansion, Zhao Yuqing, Wang Guanshi and them all followed Zhao Yuqi.

Such a big movement in the City Lord's Mansion caused a sensation in Hanli City instantly.

"The entire army of the City Lord's Mansion is dispatched, and the City Lord himself is also dispatched. Is someone going to attack Hanli City, or is there a big man coming to Hanli City?"

"Looking at the city lord's face gloomy, it shouldn't be that a big man is coming, but instead is going to seek revenge."

"For revenge, can anyone dare to offend the city lord!"

Suddenly, the wind was surging in Hanli City, and all forces began to act. They wanted to see who dared to offend the City Lord's Mansion.

The various forces in Hanli City were acting, but Xiao Chen didn't notice it at all. Instead, he called Zhan Hu brothers and sisters and cheered up.

"Brother Zhan Hu, I don't think you are of Frost Ice attributes, why did you join the Frost Saint Sect?" Xiao Chen put his arms around Zhan Hu's shoulders and asked.

"My parents are the senior members of the Frost Saint Sect, so even if I am not a single attribute, I am also a member of the Frost Saint Sect." Zhan Hu explained.

"The high-level of the Frost Saint Sect?" Xiao Chen looked at Zhan Hu with some surprise, and at this moment, the system suddenly sounded a reminder.

"Ding! Scan Zhan Hu, find the corpse power, turn on the corpse fragments!"

"Necropower, a kind of sacred power?" Xiao Chen was taken aback. The sacred power fragments sold in the Kengyuan Value Mall were incomplete. When the system scans the new sacred power, the Kengyuan Value Mall will make up for it. What Xiao Chen didn't expect was that Zhan Hu actually cultivated corpses, no wonder his face would be so pale.

At the same time, Xiao Chen also discovered that although Zhan Hu looked heartless, he would show a trace of sadness from time to time. It is not difficult to think that his parents are high-ranking members of the Frost Saint Sect, but he is not a single Frost attribute and cannot be cultivated. Improved, I am afraid that he is often ridiculed and squeezed out before coming to Hanli City.

"By the way, Brother Xiao Chen, which force are you from?" Zhan Hu asked.

"I'm just a casual cultivator." Xiao Chen said.

"Hey, no matter it's a casual cultivator or some forces, life is not easy now." Zhan Hu sighed.

Xiao Chen smiled and didn't say a word. In the Semi-Holy Realm, apart from the Saint Sect Alliance, which power had a better life.

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