Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1972: Hanli City!

As the voice of Xiao Chen's words fell, Zhao Yuqing stared at Xiao Chen fiercely, his body exuded a bone-chilling chill, and his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

"You can kill us, but you must never insult us, otherwise, even if the fish die and the net breaks, I will not let you go."

Zhao Yuqing said angrily, her eyes full of coldness, as if if Xiao Chen dared to say a word, she would rush up and fight Xiao Chen.

Except for Zhao Yuqing's excitement, the eyes of the other four women flashed sadly. It's not that the disciples of Saint Bing Sect cannot marry, but they are not allowed to marry outside. They can only marry male disciples in the clan, once they have an affair with disciples outside the clan , Will not only remove their identities, but also hunt them down.

Xiao Chen didn't expect Zhao Yuqing to be so excited. He was just some news he had heard on the road and didn't know the specifics. However, Xiao Chen was not agitating her either. He just smiled and said, "You don't need to be so excited, I'm just joking. , But I still want to say, I just passed through the snowy area and don't want to conflict with the Frost Saint Sect, otherwise it will only be your Frost Saint Sect."

Zhao Yuqing stared at Xiao Chen firmly, and after a while, he continued on his way, but his breath was very cold, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was very silent.

After more than an hour, a city appeared in front of everyone. This is a heavy city under the command of Saint Sect of Frost, named Hanli City.

"The one who is in charge of Hanli City is the strongman of the Frost Saint Sect Zhao Family. The young man you killed is called Zhao Long, the son of the Patriarch of the Zhao Family. I will report this matter truthfully."

When approaching the gate of the city, Zhao Yuqing, who had not spoken, suddenly spoke.

"Are you reminding me? Let me leave quickly?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

Zhao Yuqing didn't speak, and walked straight into the city. Xiao Chen and Chu Yunmeng let them go. There was only so much she could do. As for how Xiao Chen chose, it was not her business.

Xiao Chen smiled, Hanli City is very huge, if you detour to Hanli City, it will take several days even at the speed of a shuttle.

In these giant cities, the various forces usually travel directly through the teleportation array. Xiao Chen didn't want to delay time, so he followed without hesitation.

Because Zhao Yuqing and others belonged to the Saint Sect of Frost, those city gate guards neither checked nor charged any fees, but respectfully watched Xiao Chen and the others enter the city.

"The name of the top ten holy sects is easy to use." After entering the city, even Xiao Chen had to sigh.

After seeing Zhao Yuqing and the others, all the strong men around showed respect. Although they didn’t know who Xiao Chen and others were, they were naturally not easy to follow the disciples of Saint Sect of Frost. Looking at Xiao Chen and the others, they are also full of respect.

Zhao Yuqing glanced at Xiao Chen, without saying a word, took the other women, and was about to leave, but at this moment, she suddenly saw a group of people coming from a distance, disgust appeared in her cold eyes.

This pedestrian quickly came in front of Zhao Yuqing. Walking in the forefront was also a young man wearing the costume of the Ice Saint Sect. The young man's face was a little pale, and a little pale.

"Sister Yuqing, I finally found you." After seeing Zhao Yuqing, the young man said with some surprise in the eyes that looked like dead eyes.

"Zhan Hu, what are you doing?" Zhao Yuqing said coldly after looking at the young man.

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