Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1970: Encountered robbers!

"Senior Sister? Why didn't they kill us?" After Xiao Chen and the others left, the women looked at each other, and a woman couldn't help but ask the cold woman.

"I don't know." The cold woman said: "But I felt a kind of suppression from the woman just now, not from the suppression of cultivation, but from the suppression of strength."

Several women nodded together, they all felt this way.

"Senior Sister, Zhao Long is dead, how do we explain this matter?" another woman asked.

"Report it truthfully, as for the rest of the matter, it will be settled by the Zhao family." The cold woman said coldly, and then glanced at the direction Xiao Chen and the others were leaving, and the next moment, they also left.


Xiao Chen and the three of them who had not yet left the snowy forest encountered trouble again. At this time, around them, there were about twenty or thirty people, among them, three were quasi-sage strong, and most of the rest were born-out strong.

"Look at your dress and your aura. You shouldn't be from the snowy area, right?" A middle-aged man with a shabby beard took a look at the three of Xiao Chen and asked lightly.

This middle-aged man is the strongest of the three quasi-sages, and his body exudes chills, but they are obviously not from the Frost Saint Sect.

"We came from the Ziyang area, I don't know if you are stopping us, what's the matter?" Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"Ziyang area, it turned out to be that weak area." A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man, and then he said lightly; "We are mountain bandits in the snowy jungle. Our main responsibility is to rob passers-by and enter the snowy jungle. Explorer."

"Robbery?" Xiao Chen was startled, with a little nostalgia in his eyes. Speaking of it, he hadn't encountered a robber for a long time.

"Yes, we are robbing, but we only rob resources, don't kill people, don't rob women. Of course, if you don't know each other, I will sell you and make you slaves."

The middle-aged man's calm voice fell, and then looked at Xiao Chen and the others with a smile but a smile, and said, "Presumably you already have a decision in your heart."

"What you said is very clear." Xiao Chen nodded, and then said: "But I can only tell you helplessly, if we want cultivation resources, we don't have it, and if we want our life, we won't give it."

"We don't want your life. Since you don't have resources, then I can only sell you as slaves and exchange resources." The middle-aged man said lightly, his voice fell, and the eyes of all the bandits around were cold. Ready to do it at any time.

Xiao Chen glanced at these robbers, sneered in his heart, and when these robbers were about to do something, suddenly a few breaking noises rang out, and soon the five cold women appeared in front of him.

After seeing the clothes on the five women, these robbers changed their expressions, and then they became serious in an instant. They had recognized that the five people in front of them belonged to the Ice Saint Sect, and they were all quasi-sage experts.

Then these robbers all bowed their heads, their faces full of respect.

But at this time, the cold woman looked at Xiao Chen and the others with a stunned look, and then glanced at the robbers around her, she understood in her heart, while the other women looked at the robbers with a gloating expression on their faces.

These robbers were obviously looking at Xiao Chen and their cultivation base and wanted to rob, but how could they know the horror of the young man in front of them.

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