Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1940: Tong Xiong's swordsmanship!

When the words fell, Tong Xiong put his sword on the ground, and then closed his eyes slightly. The next moment, Xiao Chen had a feeling that now Tong Xiong has merged with the sword, and the man is the sword, and the sword is the man.

At the next moment, Tong Xiong suddenly opened his eyes, a sword and a sword light cut out from bottom to top, and a huge sword mark appeared on the entire Dousheng Platform. Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes flashed with shock, even though Fatty's eyes were also full of shock.

"What a terrifying power, this kid really has a strong understanding of swordsmanship, but it's a pity, this road is destined to be no way out." A pity flashed in the fat man's eyes.

Doushengtai is said to have been created by Doushengtai. After countless years and endless battles, although Doushengtai has lost its previous power, even he could not cause such scars on Doushengtai.

"How does this kid take this sword?" Then the fat man looked at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's face was solemn, without any hesitation, he directly turned on the world projection, and a khaki defensive cover appeared in front of him. The next moment, the sword light suddenly slashed on the defensive cover.

There was a violent sound from the entire Dou Sheng Platform, the sword aura raged, and the dust filled the sky, everyone looked at the Dou Sheng Platform in shock.

After a while, the Dou Sheng platform gradually became clear. On the Dou Sheng platform, Xiao Chen knelt on one knee, the defensive cover in front of him was broken, and a sword mark appeared on the God of War suit in front of him, the same on his forehead. A blood stain appeared.

"That kid is dead, right?"

"It should be dead, Tong Xiong is really terrible."

The audience watched this scene in shock

"Cough cough." At this moment, Xiao Chen coughed twice, then slowly stood up, touched the blood stain on his forehead with two fingers, and a solemn color flashed in his eyes.

If it were not for the strong defensive power of the Earth Orb, or if Xiao Chen's physical body was not strong, he would definitely be cut in half with a single sword. Tong Xiong's swordsmanship was very strong, and Xiao Chen felt that Tong Xiong's swordsmanship was not weak at all. The attack of the Nine Powers in the reborn realm.

"It seems that I underestimate the heroes of the world with a triple level of birth-born realm that can display such a strong sword aura." Xiao Chen looked at Tong Xiong with a little jealousy in his eyes.

"You can actually take my third sword. It seems that your defense is very strong, and your body is also very strong. I lost this battle." Tong Xiong said in a deep voice after seeing Xiao Chen stand up.

Xiao Chen glanced at Tong Xiong, and said lightly: "If you pull out the sword in your hand, you may be able to defeat me."

Tong Xiong made three swords, but none of the swords were out of the sheath. Xiao Chen didn't believe that Tong Xiong had only this ability.

Hearing this, Tong Xiong's eyes flashed hostility, and he faintly said: "My sword is for that person, and you are just defense from the beginning. If you attack, who wins and who loses, maybe."

Xiao Chen took a deep look at Tong Xiong. It seemed that Tong Xiong was also a person with a story, but Xiao Chen didn't want to go into it, but said indifferently: "Since you admit that you lost, then fulfill the agreement and laugh."

Hearing that, Tong Xiong's expression froze, and then coldly said: "I won't laugh."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's expression was also stiff and he couldn't laugh. What the **** was this?

But at this moment, Jueyuan under Dousheng Stage suddenly ran up and said as he ran, "I'll help you laugh."

When the voice fell, Jue Yuan ran to Tong Xiong's side, stretched out his hand and pinched a smiling face on his face, looking very funny.

Seeing Tong Xiong's stiff smiling face, everyone looked dull.

"Look, Big Brother Xiao Chen, he smiled." Jueyuan looked at Xiao Chen invitingly.

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