Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1937: Speechless!

In the restaurant, because of Xiao Chen's words, the atmosphere was extremely tense. All the diners watched Tong Xiong cautiously, for fear that Tong Xiong would run away and implicate them.

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting, this young master wants to see how you hit me until I laughed." Tong Xiong stared at Xiao Chen coldly, and suddenly laughed after a while, but no one could tell. Tong Xiong's killing intent in his laughter.

Just as Xiao Chen was about to do it, Suddenly, Jueyuan at the edge of the room had already spoken: "Big Brother Xiao Chen, you are so amazing. A word made him laugh."

Hearing that, everyone was taken aback, even Xiao Chen was a little confused, when did he make Tong Xiong laugh.

Even Tong Xiong looked at Jueyuan and asked coldly, "When did I laugh?"

"Didn't you just laughed three times, we all heard it." Jue Yuan said seriously.

Hearing that, all the diners in the restaurant had a stagnant expression, and then were a little bit happy. Tong Xiong did laugh just now. Although it was an angry smile, he was still smiling. As long as they laughed, they have a chance to survive.

Thinking of this, many diners began to speak, saying that Tong Xiong laughed. Even the fat man said, "Master Tong Xiong, you did laugh just now. You will never regret it?"

Tong Xiong's expression was a bit ugly, and he looked at Jueyuan and said, "Smelly girl, this young master just laughed in anger and turned back in anger, understand? It didn't really make this young master amused."

"Isn't it just a laugh?" Jue Yuan asked, "And what you said was just making you laugh, but you didn't say what kind of laughter it was. A giggle, a silly smile, and an angry laugh, isn't it? "

Tong Xiong was speechless by Jueyuan, and after a while, he coldly snorted: "What a little girl with sharp teeth, although this young master is not a good person, but it is good luck for you to speak for words. "

When the voice fell, Tong Xiong looked at Xiao Chen again, and said coldly: "Boy, you are very good, you can think of such a way to make me laugh, I remember you."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen was also speechless for a while, and said helplessly: "I really want to knock you down until I laugh."

"Really?" Tong Xiong sneered, and then said: "This young master is always the one to say the word. Just now, the young master laughed. The diners in the restaurant can leave safely, but you and that girl, the young master, look unhappy, you two You must laugh at this young master again, otherwise you two can only die here."

After hearing what Tong Xiong said, the diners in the restaurant showed pity and gloat in their eyes towards Xiao Chen and Jue Yuan.

There were also some diners who looked at Xiao Chen as if they were looking at an idiot. The matter was obviously over, rather than a word of mouth. Now that it is all right, they want to see how Xiao Chen ended up.

"I want to make you laugh, that's not easy, let me make you laugh!" Xiao Chen said lightly, and at the same time, Xiao Chen was a little puzzled because he once again triggered the task of subduing Tong Xiong and came to Semi-Holy Within a few days of the world, two missions have been triggered, and each reward is unknown.

"Very well, today my young master is in a bad mood. Since you are so stiff, let's fight." Tong Xiong looked at Xiao Chen coldly. The next moment, a long sword appeared in his hand, acting as Tong Xiong. While holding the long sword, an unspeakable sword force burst out. Under this sword force, all the diners couldn't help but step back several steps.

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