Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1925: Go to the semi-sacred world!

After a pause, Lei Sifang continued: "I originally planned to obtain the thing in the hands of the adults, and then break through the saint realm in one fell swoop within a hundred years, and then fight back to the semi-sacred world, both for revenge and to dominate the semi-sacred world."

"But it's like this now." Lei Sifang smiled bitterly again.

"In other words, there is no way for you two to go back to the Semi-Holy Realm?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes!" The two nodded at the same time.

Looking at the two, Xiao Chen was speechless for a while, and Lei Quartet shattered the passage, apparently intending to break the boat.

"Are I going to cultivate to the realm of saints in the Celestial Star Territory, heading to the semi-sacred realm?"

"Ding! Do you want to start teleporting and head to the Lost Sea?"

Suddenly, the system rang a beep.

Xiao Chen was startled, "The Lost Sea?"

At the next moment, Xiao Chen suddenly thought that in the Sea of ​​Lost, there are entrances to the eighteenth-layer **** and the entrance to the semi-sacred realm, and the entrance is in the body of the life-eating mosquito like a battleship. Xiao Chen did it at the beginning. marked.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen was excited, and then said to Lei Sifang: "You first take them into my inner world."

"It's an adult!" Lei Sifang did not refute, and then took Lei Heng and others into the Celestial Star Territory by Xiao Chen.


The next moment, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he appeared directly in the center of a group of living-eating mosquitoes. The Ling Tianhua sword appeared in his hand, slashing with a sword, and all the living-eating mosquitoes in front of him were frozen.

According to his memory, Xiao Chen quickly came to the intersection of the two passages. One passage was where Xiao Chen had obtained the Origin Orb of Wind. Xiao Chen walked toward the other passage without hesitation.

The passage is very ordinary. Xiao Chen walked all the way, as if walking on a very ordinary road. He couldn't help asking: "System, are you sure there is an entrance to the semi-sacred world?"

"If you don't believe it, you can choose to return to the same place." The system said indifferently, obviously feeling unhappy about Xiao Chen's doubts.

"I'll play my temper again." Xiao Chen said in surprise.

"Hmph, you'd better not doubt this system, otherwise you will feel better." The system said indifferently.

"You don't want to pit me?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Prick you? You have a face that ought to be beaten up. If this system can beat you, it would have beaten you into an inhuman form. Only because the system can't do it yourself will you make the best move and choose to cheat you. "

Hearing the system's voice, Xiao Chen was dumbfounded for a while, then rolled his eyes and asked, "Is it because of that guy?"

The guy in his mouth was the mysterious man in black who looked exactly like him.

"Yes, that bastard!"

"Then I ask you, do you know who the **** is in the mouth of that bastard?" Xiao Chen asked.

"This system also knows that they are both bastards." The system's voice was mixed with anger.

"what happened?"

"Hmph, you will naturally know in the future, this system is tired, this system is resting!" The system's voice fell, and immediately cut off contact with Xiao Chen.

"What is the relationship between the system and that guy, and the **** in that guy's mouth, who is it?" Xiao Chen was lost in thought, and at this moment, he suddenly found that the road ahead was covered with Milky white stones.

When Xiao Chen stepped on the milky white stone, he felt a kind of blazing heat. At this moment, Xiao Chen saw a wall of fire not far away. There was a white flame burning on the wall of fire. Even Xiao Chen felt the flames terrifying. temperature.

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