Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1904: Heavenly Mountain Villa!

Xiao Zhantian's voice was very flat, but it fell in the ears of several old guys like thunder.

The Patriarch of the previous generation did not help the God of War family. Instead, he stood opposite the God of War family. The candidate for the current Patriarch was suppressed. What happened?

"Zhantian, what do you mean?" an old woman couldn't help but ask.

"Grandma, and everyone, you are all seniors who have been fighting for the War God family all your life, I will just say it straight." Xiao Zhantian respected the old woman, and as his voice fell, something suddenly appeared from him. A strong breath comes.

Xiao Zhantian's bloodline was already strong, but after a period of training in the World of War Soul, his bloodline increased again, and his strength also broke through the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune God.

"Your cultivation base has broken through?" The old woman asked with surprise on her face.

"Grandma, apart from the increase in cultivation base, haven't you noticed any other changes in me?" Xiao Zhantian asked.

"Other changes?" The old woman was taken aback, and several other old men were also a little confused. After a while, the old woman's eyes flashed with shock: "Your bloodline concentration has increased?"

"Grandma is grandma, you can tell at a glance." Xiao Zhantian said.

"Improving bloodline, how is this possible? My God of War family bloodline is born fixed. Few people can improve again. How did you do it?" Another old man asked in disbelief.

"This is what I'm going to say next. After listening, several seniors are making decisions."

Xiao Zhantiandao, and then he explained all about the World of War Soul and the Bloodline Pill of the God of War.

After speaking, the first feeling of several people was that it was impossible. Then they found several disciples to experiment. When they saw the disciple's bloodline and cultivation level improved, they couldn't sit still.

It's been a long time since they became the powerhouses of good fortune gods. For them, wanting to go further has become a luxury.

Now that their strength is expected to improve, even if their Gu Bo's heart is not shocked, they are beginning to get angry.

The way Xiao Chen looked at them, he knew that the surrender of the God of War family was already a certainty.

"The God of War family surrendered. If there is a father, there shouldn't be any trouble. It is not a problem if Murong Xue is in the Murong family. The next step is Tiandao Villa."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered. As long as the three holy places of Human Race surrendered, he would not have too many problems to conquer the entire God Realm.

The matter of persuading the entire War God family was handed over to a few old elders. Murong Xue and Chu Yunmeng had already gone to the Murong family, and then Xiao Chen and Xiao Zhantian went to the Tiandao Villa.

In the God Realm, somewhere on the planet, there is a huge manor on the entire planet. The manor is divided into countless small manors, and here is the Tiandao Mountain Villa.

There is a huge manor in the very center of Tiandao Mountain Villa, which is above all other manors. Inside the manor is a large hall with beautiful scenery and amazing origin.

At this time in the hall, a young man with a haughty face was surrounded by an old man, a strong guard, and two maids behind the young man.

The old man stood respectfully behind the young man, the strong guard guarded the other side behind the young man, without saying a word, while the two maids looked at the others in the hall with arrogance, full of disdain.

"Young Master Lei Heng, I didn't expect that you would come down in person. It really makes Heavenly Dao Mountain Villa flourish."

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