Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1892: Ghost Hell!

Xiao Chen once again received Xiao Zhantian from the Heavenly Star Immortal Domain, and then turned around to look at Duanmu Qinghan, and said gently: "Qinghan, thank you very much."

"So are you." Duanmu Qinghan's voice trembled a little, and Xiao Chen hugged him directly when he saw this.

"Wife?" The powerhouse behind Duanmu Qinghan and Shi Gandang couldn't react.

They knew how they suddenly became wives because they had no communication at the beginning.

Xiao Chen was too weak to stand in front of Duanmu Qinghan, but now he can hold Duanmu Qinghan in his arms fearlessly and protect them.

The two didn’t have much language, they just felt each other’s body temperature. After a long time, Xiao Chen took Duanmu Qinghan into the Golden Origin Space, and Duanmu Qinghan’s younger brother and Shi Gandang waited, under the leadership of the Emperor Killing, Revenge for the disciples who sacrificed Ling Tianzong.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen's figure disappeared again. When he appeared, he came to a huge palace. At this moment, a cold light suddenly pierced his heart, but it pierced his heart, but it gave out metal. The sound of handover.

"Do you want to murder your husband?" Xiao Chen held the dagger pierced into the heart, looked at a figure wrapped in black clothes in front of him, smiled faintly.

"It turned out to be you, how did you come to my ghost prison headquarters silently." An old voice came from under the black clothes.

"Hehe, I naturally have my way. By the way, there is a good thing here for you." Xiao Chen smiled, and then a devil fruit appeared in his hand, which Xiao Chen had bought long ago.

"What's this?" The man in black put away the dagger and asked suspiciously.

"You'll know if you eat it." Xiao Chen said.

The man in black took the devil fruit, untied the veil on his face, revealing an old face, and then took a bite of the devil fruit.

"It's terrible, what are you giving me?"

"Don't worry, take a look at this." Xiao Chen said, and then a mirror appeared in his hand, and then a magical scene appeared. I saw that the old wrinkled face in the mirror slowly became smooth and blinked. In the meantime, a face that can be broken by a blow-up and a beautiful face appeared in the mirror.

"Congratulations, I finally recovered." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"The prisoner is not good. The two deputy prisoners rebelled against the enemy and exposed the location of the headquarters. Now the other party has already entered." Suddenly a hurried figure rushed in and said in a panic. When he saw the incomparable one Suddenly startled when he was shocked.

"who are you?"

"This seat, the ghost prisoner, Tang Yanran!"

"Are you the prisoner?" The person came with a look of astonishment, and at this moment, the main hall door was brutally knocked open, and a group of people walked in. When they saw Tang Yanran at this time, their eyes flashed in surprise.

"Are you the ghost prisoner?" A middle-aged man walked out of the group and looked at Tang Yanran in surprise.

"It's this seat!" Tang Yanran said indifferently.

"Unexpectedly, the ghost prisoner of the killer group that has made the gods afraid of the world is such a beautiful and young woman. It is really surprising." The middle-aged man was full of surprises, not only him, even the killers of the ghost prison. , But also looked at Tang Yanran with astonishment.

They had never thought that the prisoner in black would be so beautiful.

"Who are you?" Tang Yanran asked indifferently, looking at the middle-aged man.

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