Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1882: Fully awakened!

The little boy in front of him looked innocent and cute, and harmless, but Xiao Chen did not dare to relax at all. The original consciousness of the Dark Origin Orb was hit by Xiao Chen and they had no strength to fight back. He naturally did not dare to be small. Look at the incarnation of Yuanzhu.

"The situation is a bit different. At the beginning, the consciousness of the Dark Origin Orb appeared because of King Yama's refining, but in front of him it was because the Origin Orb absorbed the breath of the creatures. ."

"Fortunately, he subconsciously told him that he can't go out, otherwise, wherever he went, it would have all turned into a world of ice."

"Fully awakened!?" Xiao Chen was surprised, and at this moment, the little boy spoke again: "Let me see your memory, OK?"

As the voice fell, the little boy continued to walk towards Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen's face changed slightly. He just wanted to retreat, only to find that his feet had been frozen and could not move.

A ghost fire appeared in Xiao Chen's hand, and he patted the ice beneath his feet without hesitation.

"What kind of flame are you that can melt my ice?" the little boy asked strangely.

However, Xiao Chen's face sank. Although Nether Fire can melt ice, the melting speed is not fast, but very slow. At this speed, it is impossible for him to avoid the opponent's second attack.

Xiao Chen's thoughts moved, and the Netherworld Fire instantly condensed into a Netherworld Tiger, biting at the little boy, until the Netherworld Tiger was about to bite him, the little boy faintly stretched out his finger, and the Netherworld Tiger was instantly frozen in ice.

"Even Nether Tiger is frozen?" Xiao Chen asked in shock.

"This should be a tiger-shaped fierce beast, it's really interesting." The little boy didn't hit Xiao Chen back, but looked at Nether Tiger.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, the Nether three-headed dog and the Nether dragon appeared, and bit at the little boy. The little boy stretched out his hand to freeze it and looked curiously.

"System, can't you seal him up?" Xiao Chen asked in his heart.

"His power is very strong now, and there is no way to seal it. There is only one way to solve him."

"any solution?"

"Remove the seal of all the source beads completely, attract all the remaining source beads here, and jointly suppress the source beads of ice!"

"Can you control the situation?" Xiao Chen frowned and asked.

"It's okay in a short time, but the host needs to give some permissions."

"Give permission?" Xiao Chen was startled, and then asked, "What does this mean?"

"For example, you can borrow the original power of the host."

"You actually need my power, I thought you were invincible." Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

"The stronger the host, the stronger the system. The host is too weak. Is the system to blame?"

Xiao Chen was startled, and then he was speechless. He wanted to take the opportunity to laugh at the system, but he didn't expect to be mocked by the system.

"Well, do it now, you can do whatever you want." Xiao Chen said helplessly.

The system was not talking nonsense either, and immediately afterwards, all the fire orbs wrapped in white light, the gold orb, the wood, the wind, the dark, the light, and the thunder all appeared.

In the next moment, the white light on the few source beads all disappeared, and at the same time, the huge source power in Xiao Chen's body was instantly emptied and collapsed to the ground.

"The original power is not enough, use the world projection!" The voice of the system sounded again.

Xiao Chen didn't have time to think about it. Using the world projection directly, this time it was not only the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, but even the eighteen layers of **** that corresponded to the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

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