Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1878: Despicable man!

"Do it!" Lei Luo said gloomily, not talking nonsense with Xiao Chen, as his voice fell, all the strong around him were ready to do it.

"Let's do it then." Xiao Chen said lightly, with no expression of fear on his face. Seeing this scene, Lei Luo frowned slightly. Is this kid really fearless?

But in the next moment, he knew. Just when they wanted to do something, Xiao Chen suddenly saw a few more figures behind him, and then more and more, and in the blink of an eye, countless figures appeared behind him, with a powerful breath. , The world faded instantly.

"Since you want to do it, then I have to respond to you." Xiao Chen said lightly, then waved his hand and shouted coldly.

"Do it, those who descend will not kill!"

"Yes!" The killing sound was earth-shaking, and the hearts of all the strong trembled.

When the voice fell, killing the emperor and Emperor Kai took the lead, with black swords and red swords, no one could stop them.

Chi You, Xuanyuan, and the Huanggu clan all used all their strength to shoot. The three clan relied not on the inner world, but on the powerful physical strength. In such a close-range battle, the strong people hardly reacted and died.

As soon as the war was about to start, those strong men who watched the show also watched this scene with horror.

"These powerhouses are all from the inner world of the boss. Who is the boss and how could he have so many powerful people?" Zi Chen was full of horror, and then the light in his eyes grew thicker.

The Thunder World and the Green Wood World were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the strong, and they could only defend in a hurry, but even so, the strong of the two big worlds continued to fall.

At the same time as the battle, a holy light fell on Xiao Chen. Regardless of his injuries or strength, he was constantly recovering. Kerr, Chu Yunmeng and the others also appeared, but they did not do anything, but guarded Xiao Chen.

After Xiao Chen felt that the strength in his body was almost restored, his eyes fell on Leihuo and Qing Yi, cold light flashed in his eyes, his wings flashed, and he had appeared in front of Leihuo, without any remaining hands, it was the evil demon burst punch!

Seeing Xiao Chen attacking, Lei Huo's expression changed drastically, and he immediately shouted, "Come and protect me!"

When the voice fell, many strong people around came forward to block.

"Get out of me!" Xiao Chen said with his fist in the palm of his hand, and he slapped it out with one palm. Several strong men in front of him were all shaken off.

"Red Flame Thunder!"

Just when Xiao Chen wanted to move on, the sound of thunder fire suddenly sounded, and then the thunder power mixed with flame suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Chen and instantly swallowed it.

"Chi Yan Lei is a semi-sacred skill of the Thunder Saint Sect. I don't believe that you are an immortal body!" Lei Huo said with a sneer as Xiao Chen was swallowed.

"Although I am not an immortal body, you are not qualified to kill me with your little strength." At this moment, a figure wearing a black flame armor had already rushed out of the sea of ​​thunder and fire.

Lei Huo's face changed drastically. The next moment, a cruel color flashed in his eyes, grabbed Qing Yi's arm around him, and threw her at Xiao Chen like an object, while Lei Huo himself, without any hesitation, turned and ran into a thunder. The speed is extremely fast.

Qing Yi obviously didn't expect that at a critical moment, Leihuo would use her as a shield and escape by herself. She had no defense and was hit by Xiao Chen with a frightened expression on her face.

The evil demon burst fist burst open, Qing Yi's body directly turned into a rain of blood, floating down.

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