Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1876: Survive for a limited time!

"The power is good, but the power is strong. It is useless if it can't hit people." Lei Sifang looked up at Dao Guang, his eyes flashed with surprise, but this is within his domain, within his domain. , He can go wherever he thinks, no effort at all.

"Some strong people often die in the hands of weak ones, do you know why?" Xiao Chen suddenly said.

"The strong will die in the hands of the weak?" Lei Sifang sneered: "What's the joke, the strong will always be the strong, and the weak will always be the weak."

Xiao Chen didn't refute, but said indifferently: "Some strong people will die in the hands of their own arrogance, just like you."

"You mean you can kill me?" Lei Sifang sneered, his mouth even more disdainful.

"Yes, the power of the domain is indeed very strong, but it is not invincible." Xiao Chen said.

"What?" Lei Quartet was stunned, his eyes flashed with astonishment, how could a junior of the **** of good fortune know the domain power.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's face suddenly became cold, and the huge sword light had fallen on top of Lei Sifang's head.

Lei Sifang recovered, and just about to move, a cold voice suddenly sounded in Lei Sifang's ear.


As soon as the word'ding' came out, Xiao Chen's Qiqiao bleeds.

Even though the avatar in front of him was only a clone, Lei Sifang was a semi-sage powerhouse after all, and Xiao Chen was instantly backlashed.

Although he only held Lei Quartet for a short period of time, in such a short period of time, a large enough sword light was slashed on his head.

"Haha, interesting, I'm really arrogant, I didn't expect you to have so many hole cards, but next time I come, I won't give you any chance." Lei Sifang said lightly, a strange color flashed in his eyes. The next moment, the whole body burst open instantly, transforming into scattered thunder power.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for killing the Lei Sifang clone and gaining 80 million origin value and 400 million pit fate value!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for acquiring the holy skill "Raising Snake"!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining the "Seven Stars" of the Holy Skill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the "Lei Sifang Memory"!"


Xiao Chen ignored the system's voice, just thinking about Lei Sifang's words, next time we meet, I am afraid that next time we meet, Lei Sifang will come to the deity, the real semi-sage powerhouse.

At this moment, the system prompt sound came in my mind again.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the limited-time survival mission!"

"Task requirements: within three months, resist Lei Sifang's revenge!"

"Task Reward: Origin Spirit Vessel!"

"It seems that this guy is immortal to the body of a saint!" Xiao Chen frowned.

"Disciple, you underestimate the power of the saint's body. If the saint's body is obtained by Lei Sifang, he can completely refine the saint's body and become a true saint. It is not impossible to dominate the semi-sage world."

Mu Yun solemnly said, after a pause, she continued: "Lei Sifang is an ambitious person, so no matter what the price is paid, he will definitely come, and when he first attacked you, he already left a mark on you. No matter where you go, he can find you."

"I see." Xiao Chen's expression was a little serious. Even if Mu Yun didn't say it, he knew that Lei Sifang would retaliate. Even Mu Yun didn't know how strong the semi-sage power was.

Xiao Chen also didn't know, and what he could do now was to improve his strength in all aspects, waiting for Lei Sifang to come.

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