Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1846: Embarrassing Yama!

"King of Ksitigarbha, take care!" The eighteen arhats naturally understood this, and put their hands together and bowed slightly to the Ksitigarb. Then the eighteen figures walked away along the black hole.

"There is no space in **** to swear not to become a Buddha, Ksitigarbha, your ambition is not wrong, but your approach is extreme. What you should do is to influence the evil spirits in **** instead of destroying them."

King Yama looked at the Ksitigarbha King, and said seriously: "Would you like to stay in **** and serve as the Ksitigarbha king to influence the evil spirits in hell?"

Upon hearing this, the Ksitigarbha King's face was stunned, looking at King Yama's serious expression, he didn't know what to say for a while.

After a while, the Ksitigarbha Lord folded his hands together and said, "Thank you Yama!"

"Then ask the Ksitigarbha to let them go." King Yama pointed at Xiao Chen and said.

"Yes!" The Ksitigarbha King nodded, muttering words, and then the iron chains on Xiao Chen and others disappeared.

"Is he really the King Yama? Why is it completely different from before." King Yu looked at King Yama with some confusion, not only her, but all the ghosts felt that King Yama was a little different.

"All Yama, judges, black and white impermanence, cow head horse face, Ksitigarbha, Mengpo, before the order of **** is restored, I hope you can perform your duties and manage everything in **** together!"

Yama King said solemnly.

"Follow the decree of the Yama!" Ksitigarbha, Mengpo, Yama, and the judge respectfully said at the same time.

"Can you go to Yan Luo City for a while?" King Yan Luo came to Xiao Chen and asked.

Xiao Chen glanced at King Yama and said, "Of course!"

Xiao Chen took Yuwang, Shangguan Yinger, and Mu Qingxuan to the City Lord's Mansion with Yama. Xiao Chen looked at King Yama and asked, "You were the one who transmitted me the sound before?"

"It's me." Yama King said.

"What the **** is going on?" Xiao Chen asked. In fact, Xiao Chen's ability to kill the Yama King before was all instructions from mysterious voices, and the seal totem was also transmitted by mysterious voices.

Hearing Xiao Chen's question, Yama King's serious face suddenly turned red, and Xiao Chen and the others were shocked.

King Yama explained embarrassingly: "Actually, I blamed me for being too greedy. I accidentally found the Dark Origin Orb in Hell. I wanted to refine it. I didn't expect that the Dark Origin Orb would have I was sealed in my body instead of consciousness, and everything after that was done by that consciousness."

The voice of King Yama fell, and Xiao Chen looked at him speechlessly. No wonder he said that the previous Yama King was the Origin Orb of Darkness. It turned out that the Yama King let the Origin Orb generate consciousness, and the original Orb is immortal. Naturally it cannot be beaten to death.

"In other words, it was not you who pulled us into **** and transformed us into evil spirits, but the consciousness that occupied your body?" King Rain asked.

"Exactly, I deeply apologize for that." King Yama apologized.

"King Yama, do you think about it with an apology?" Xiao Chen said.

"I will let you pay back your yang." Yama King said.

"You are smart, besides, should you be making some compensation?" Xiao Chen said.

"Are you taking advantage of the fire?" Yama King smiled bitterly.

"How do you take advantage of the fire? Because of you, let the King Yu and the others come to **** for no reason. Think about it, how much youth they have lost in **** for so many years, shouldn't you make up for it?" Xiao Chen said.

King Yama gave a wry smile: "But if you are still yang, the compensation I will give you is of no use, and even if I compensate you, do you want it, grandpa."

"You said so." Xiao Chen said, the forbidden law can only be used in hell, and other compensations are obviously useless. Suddenly Xiao Chen was taken aback, then looked at King Yan Luo and said, "What did you just say?"

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